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Empires Glory


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Ow I though I already said that :P.. Lol apparently I didn't

I thought I asked to post it on saturday.. but that's irrelevant right now :).

As always. don't worry. Any progress is good :)...


Yep, give me a moment to change the file-page...




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i personally really like this idea up until one part the cant be arrested i mean it kind of makes sense but in shivering isles when your king you still get arrested and thats half the fun is killing people and running away from the guards so i would get ride of that part or make it so when your caught there is one more option to threw the guard in jail for treason conspiracy against the king or something like that i think it will add a nice twist to this new set up
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How about when we reach certain ranks, and do something wrong. Something worse happen, like riots and other stuff. Example, if we are the emperor, but keep killing people, soon the citizens will riot and attempt to kill us and make someone take the throne. So there are something called "stability", when we as emperor decides to do something that anger the others (example : if we decide to make the mines are the property of the empire, the mine owners will try to assassinate us because we made them poor). So it makes ruling the empire isn't as easy as we thought.


When the beta will be released ? (And can we got a sneak peek at the mod, like uploading the esp so we can see the mods progress ?)

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Ahh Ancient Aeon, You just described a huge chunk of bravil rebuild, We might incorporate it with the empire aswell but im not sure , certain choices you make throughout the mod do increase your original weekly income of 1000, Maybe this could be incorporated to help with that, But i think it might just stay with bravil rebuild, But who knows i do like the idea of making it not just bravil rebuild but the empire aswell, But il leave that decision with vicICE as he'll be the one who has to mod it
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Unfortunately we can't upload anything to anyone until its reached its beta-status and with the project separated in more than 5 parts.

It wouldn't be to any use for you..next to that, anything uploaded now ruins all for later on.

So I see no reason to do so...


We'll see about the empire-idea later on. It will stick to a plugin, because of the compatibility...

but it may be better to stick to bravil. To localize the problems a bit, so you're not endlessly confronted with it.

I don't like the idea of a quest being ruined because of a riot in a uncontrolled situation..

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Doesn't matter. Just something with EG before it.(Id-name) I can change it to a city later on, if needed.

The name that is shown is up to you. I haven't fixed a name yet. So just something noble-ish :)'s house...

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