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Yeah, not being at home can provide new ideas/twist.. Some things are just dependable on their enviroment..

true during exam week i came up with like 30 ideas and plans! but we havent voted about it yet so i'll repost all my ideas here and make a top 5 and maybe add something to it. some ideas ty up loose ends


idea list

1. a quest to have the nine and the deadra peace with each other (except dagon of course)

2. also an idea to make the mythic dawn remnants an imperial cult/guild just like the DB and TG

3. questline to restrengthen the 4 guilds(TG,FG,DB,MG) and the blades

4. change the sewers into something useful like an evac centre

5. make escape tunnels from each city to another

6. make the mines operational again

7. quest to exterminate ALL vampires in cyrodiil

8. questline to become a priest and recover holy artefacts

9. expand the blades faction with missions

10. quests to rebuild the knights of the thorn

11. build big harbors and docks on the coast of the abecean sea and topal bay

12. make vanilla ships buyable for the navy

13. option to transform 1 ship into a flagship

14. expand vanilla castles

15 enable trade with the provinces


fort rebuild plan:

clear out the dungeons and barricade the dengeon doors.

exterior upgrades from the imperial architect

1. rebuild main tower

2. build watchtower

3. build stables

4. build prison

5. build archer walls

6. build chapel room

7. inn for adventurers

interior upgrades

1. main hall furniture

2. barracks furniture

3. jail furniture

4. armory furniture and suplies

5. chapel benches

6. subtower suplies and furniture

staff and troops to hire










this is the priority of in wich time the forts should be rebuild

forts near imperial ilse

forts in strategic locations

other forts


the benefits of having rebuild forts (battles against illan)

1. more troops to assualt the wooden forts

2. more soldiers in strategic defense


sancre tor plan

1. clear out the rubble in the ruins

2. make dungeon and tombs liveable

3. rebuild walls

4. rebuild towers

5. get furniture

6. make guarded road to cloud ruler

7. defend the castle from an attack of the underking

8. name 1 of the blades caretaker

9. build extra defences

10. hire new blades and archers

oh and these forts should belong to the blades so the blades have an outpost in every part of cyrodiil:

fort nikel (imperial ilse)

fort strand (anvil, skingrad, kvatch)

fort naso (cheydinhal)

fort blueblood (southern cyrodiil)

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We were going to include sancre tore in fort rebuild i think, It says in the poll topic "Sancre tor definitley deserves a makeover" or something like that.


Fort rebuild was already there lol we hadn't planned it exactly but was already there


Now to the other ideas you had


1.It would never happen, i mean could you imagine kinareth(goddess of nature for the nine) being happy at sheogorath for all the disfigured creatures in his realm, and i heard somewhere he rains flaming dogs so that wouldn't please her either. I really dont like this idea.

2. Im not for this one either really, This would be dangerous, It would just be giving the mythic dawn a chance to rearm and grow in strength, They would only follow the rules you set them until they were ready to attack again.

3.we already decided on that i think, its part of guild projects isn't it

4.Sewers are fine how they are if you ask me, they're a nice secret way into IC when i have a bounty on my head

5.maybe after your done with your battles with illan, so the cities have learned from their mistake and can always come to one anothers aid

6. Not a bad idea, You could gain more income

7. haha! lol i love this idea, it doesn't really fit at all, but who cares, Maybe you get reports from cities and you send blades(or advise martin to do so) and then the blades return and say vampire activity has increased so you gather a team of vampire hunters(and some of your loyal blades of course!) and set off after vampires, Im not sure its possible as that would mean alot alot alot of vampires would have to be set to non respawning, and tracking down EVERY single vampire would take for ever or have your map filled with a million green and red quest markers, GREAT idea but i dont think it'll work.

8.thats what Knights of the Nine is for

9.you mean sending them on missions? and then promorting them? Because the blades would never let you do missions for them, they're far to loyal to you

10. Sure why not, you could tell cheydinhal that his elite forces are slack


12.Doesn't really seem worth it, theres only 1 or 2 that dont have a quest.

13. Good idea

14. Sure why not

14. Not bad, could increase your wekly income just like the mines


There you are lol my opinions on those ideas

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If the ideas always comes, and the members try to make it, WHEN THIS MOD WILL BE FINISHED ? Why you don't just upload the beta version now, and you keep improving it while the downloads go on. Or this mod will be never finished, because ideas always come, right ? But good job so far, it's good if you show them.
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Lol nice to know your interested in the mod


Well basically we are going to do up to the part where you become emperor and then one of our many optional plugins to go along with it, we will add our other plugins later, So we will release the mods main story, becoming emperor and then the optional plugin that wins our poll.

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If the ideas always comes, and the members try to make it, WHEN THIS MOD WILL BE FINISHED ? Why you don't just upload the beta version now, and you keep improving it while the downloads go on. Or this mod will be never finished, because ideas always come, right ? But good job so far, it's good if you show them.


If you followed everything you know that talking/doing are 2 separate things. We like to do both. As everything concerning the main-mod is pretty much discussed on, we don't really need to do so anymore..

You just earned another 2 minutes, we're at 5 now.. I better not explain the time bound to 'empires glory' minutes...


To your question and as slawter answered. That is basically happening, but we'll do the main mod first. Plugins come afterwards....

And you can keep asking for a beta, but the more you ask the more determined I get not to release the beta for public.

As I doubt anyone will seriously look at it with anymore than complaining about the fact it isn't done.

Next to that, it isn't worth the thing that everything we have lies on the street while we're not done with it. People will cry about the fact that the Beta version will not be compatible with the first release or the fact that they have to do it all over again till the end of the beta. Alex had shown another reason a few pages back.


If we upload everything now you will not have anything but the first 3 quests, as I'm currently the only one creating them.

That takes some time, but if everyone is creating quests, it could get difficult to merge them and as the largest problem is creating the environment that they are taking place in. We have split up the mod so everyone can do their part, so I only have to add the dialogue, quests and the scripting. Next to that, uploading all we have shall only be done when this mod-team has reached its end.

I'm not planning to let that happen anytime soon.



I like number 11 starwarsfreak..

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Hm yeah I'm not sure ho to do that yes.. using plugins for plugins can be tricky..


Owk those seems fairly small, but please keep in mind the time everything else you propose takes.

The rebuilding as you're proposing now would take 2 months, I'm not kidding about that.

Most of your ideas can be executed, although they would take a lot of time...

I love creating this mod, but I intend to decrease my involvement after a few plugins as I would like to attend to a few personal mods as well. I've put them all aside right now, as we're a team and you don't leave a team for any reason and as I need to combine them I should stay for even more reasons! :P. I try to avoid this, because its highly uncertain if I'm correct. But let me explain how long the main-mod will still take/tasks that lie ahead, this is also for ancient aeon's information or anyone else that wishes to know how long it could take...


In Realtime..so 2 days may take a week as my college starts after I'm back...

These 24h days include bug-fixing that take like 50% of the time.


- Everyone needs too finish their stuff.

The nobleman. Armageddon has provided some help and its almost done maybe a day or two

The crater.. My next thing...2 days...its not too difficult

The ogres..0%? I haven't heard anything of aragorn. I'll send a pm and will decide about the future at the end of the week.

The Mages VS Necromancers. Slawter is at 30%

Martin's artifact...Not even started upon...Although I don't expect it to take any longer than 1, max 2 days.

The dragon-caves..Agromirr has made quite some progress, unfortunately he probably has to do the rest as well. As I don't have time

The bravil duplicate-attack..that one shouldn't take more than 2-3 days.

IC duplicate-attack....guess a week...will probably contain a load of bugs and I need to figure out the way I shall approach it..


Not mentioned the time the quests would need.

The nobleman. I haven't even started o it. 2 days perhaps...

The crater. 2 days, because of the scripting it will pose..

The ogres.. 2 days

The mage vs necromancers 2-4 days...some nice encounters like in the morrowind-tribe/nerevarine quest need to take place.

martin's artifact. 2 days. This one should go pretty fast..

The dragon caves...2-4 days, I'll probably work close with agromirr on it, so that should keep it at 2-4 days...

Then the assembly of the pieces-quest, with the arrival of martin or you being emperor. 2-3 days.

The attack on bravil. 3-5 days..

The attack on the IC. also 3-5 because the bravil-attack experience should speed things up.


Then there are some other things. Like weapons and armor that will be available, because people always want some.

Now I'll do some and I hope ImperialModder will do a sword for the enemy. But that will take a week a thing. So 7 days?

Then someone needs to create the shards yet...Now that will probably not be too difficult. As they are small and need only

a bit of red with flaws to dark and light...that probably not happening, I guess a red thingie...maybe 5 days...


Not to mention all has to be cleaned, then merged successfully. about 2 days with some luck...

Anybody feeling counting all those days ;D?

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Guys I can take some of this extra stuff...Ive restarted those forts so much..I think I got oblivion safe for the 4TH TIME....lol..because we can't go posting stuff that won't get done and get peoples hopes up.. 8) Im messing around testing a harbour in topal bay anyways lol
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