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Ok no problem just and idea thanks for pointing it out


So we will have a couple of armor sets and a sword or two? We will definitley get a sword, nice new model and texture, with a good script effect on it, What about illan? Do we give him a new sword or just some armor?

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Its just a friendly warning, I've seen enough proposals heavenly criticized by artists :)...

Illian...Hmm good point, does he use armor ..yes.. as he isn't a mage. (There were too much mage-bosses to my opinion.)

Maybe he wears the armor martin wears at the bruma attack, or a small altered one (as if he faked the armor).

I don't think he needs a special sword, as I intent to have Illan's army there own sword.

He would receive a little more refined one. If ImperialModder will not do it, I'll do myself ...

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we also need recoloured armors for the legion and maybe a armored robe if you become chancellor/emperor and a sword when becouming, or chosing the new count bravil and maybe give illan a bow to so he's kinda passive fighter, bow at range sword if you come close, the name of the bow should be called something like: Bow Of the Traiter

and the blade if you become emperor/chancellor: THe Blade of the empire/ Imperial Blade

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jefe, i have the problem with both districts, so i can't make anty ingame screenshots.

also i will go on holiday the 24th or 28th of august and will try to make EGlegion as finished as possible sojefe can finish it in my absence for 2 weeks dont have much to do so i don't really know what i need to do for eglegion, npcs are almost finished only things left are cluttering of legion district and AI and Scrip;ts. will work out the plug-in for holy gathering quests use the wiki as guide seems to be simple.

ayone knows what i need to do for EG except the legion wich i can finish in a month maybe 5 weeks any ideas on solving the problem i ecountered


I'm leaveing on Saturday for a month of military training so I will not be able to do any work on the mod in the month of August. If it is still not done, Legion that is, by the time I get back, I can help with scripting and maybe AI. My AI skills could use a little work but I have the basics down.

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I'll help you with any AI-questions there may be....I know quite my way around with it.


Hm..that is a very good idea. illian with an bow..There isn't a big boss that is a refined marksman.

Everyone agrees? I'm not that favorable of bows, but it seems a good idea. The transfer seems more than fair.

Maybe some story that it is actually an essence that can be formed to a weapon.

Although it highly complexes things. The more weapons it could turn in, the better.

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I'll help you with any AI-questions there may be....I know quite my way around with it.


Hm..that is a very good idea. illian with an bow..There isn't a big boss that is a refined marksman.

Everyone agrees? I'm not that favorable of bows, but it seems a good idea. The tranfer seems more than fair.

Maybe some story that it is an essence that can be formed to a weapon. Although it highly complexes things.

The more weapons it could change in, the better.

What about This, on Illans corpse you will find a book with alot of answers. you will read the book and learn that he was an adventurer like you in his younger ages and when vsiting cloud rock, he found a note in the charred body with a story of the most powerful weapon in cyrodiil: the morphing weapon (if what i'm going to write is to complex to make, i have an alternative version too) it is a weapon made by the ayleids, but customized by illan himself that (via spells) can transform into any other weapon. but he had to find it in 1 of the biggest ayleid ruins: miscargand. he visited the place and a week later he heard that there was a great welkynd stone, picked up by the champion of cyrodiil! at this point he promised to his dead father and mother wo died searching the stone that he would take vengeance on martin and you.


if the morph weapon is too dificulf it will be sword, bow and mace

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Hm...concerning the time we have we could create a tiny quest. Although not via a quest if you know what I mean.

Only the book will point to some place where the weapon can be turned in another one (so it doesn't need to be scripted.). You could create a journal of it, with a middle part that will lead to the weapon..

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Hm...concerning the time we have we could create a tiny quest. Although not via a quest if you know what I mean.

Only the book will point to some place where the weapon can be turned in another one (so it doesn't need to be scripted.). You could create a journal of it, with a middle part that will lead to the weapon..


yes and my army topic........

i will make a EG version, kinda expansion to eglegion Without LOTR units

sure you mean like ayleid steps or arrows.....

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Right guys for some reason all internet sites have been working on my computer except for the nexus forums for 3-4 days




Cool Glad to hear the new armour and swords are being discussed , the more there are the happier people will be


Also ive only JUST sent the PM to aragorn as i haven't been able to log on to nexus for 3 or 4 days so give him a little more time.


Starwars about that revenge thing...Im not so keen on it, Because illan is supposed to be An Evil Traitor gunning for the throne, the revenge thing just sort of justifies his actions and makes him seem like a good guy, Although i do like the idea for the journal and weapons


The Emperors Sword should have a nice new texture and a script effect


Also we need some new armor, as armor is a great seller for a mod, As you can show it off and its generally pleasing to look at.

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Yes, there were some issues with the forum hardware, but they're solved, for now at least... :dry:


And I agree, any new weapon or set of armor is a great addition. People always tend to download the eyecandy. :P

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