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Or you could upload your files to a place like MediaFire and share the link with your team via PM.


Take a look at the File Mirroring Sites in this list for more options.


I have my own forum for which is used for private modding teams to share files, images, postings. Even if I could not allow file or image uploads there, I could utilize sites such as MediaFire.com to post private download links and Photobucket.com to post and manage images.


From Lhammonds


At the moment Nexus sites are for publishing and discussing modifications. The sites aren't made for collaborative works and to actually help you work on your modification. It's possible sites like ModDB.com might provide you with the tools you need, I'm not sure.


From Dark0ne


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Hy you guys. My sister bought a 24 hour wifi-pass. So I had a moment to talk.


To Crimson Knight (I recognize that name...) and GOOGLEPOX (Ay, been too much on it ;)?) Welcome to the Team.

Nice to receive some help.


Agromirr, if we want to stick at MegaUpload....Just make an account. The files I've ever used were send via another one that isn't mine. Megaupload is one of the fastest, although other things are limited (except from space and speed ;) )

I love the windows live workspace as well, as you can see who is uploading, downloading and online...but it isn't working?


To Crimson Knight. If you can wait until next Thursday, I can send you some more info.

As I've made quite some changed dialogue and what we have left needs some changes as well.

(The dialogue is primarily done by ideas, not for practical means...as some are far too long to fit or need minor adjustments.)


Although I'm on vacation, I manage to do some work an hour every two days.


Here are some things I've thought about in my spare time...Bit strict, but as it is my own little project, most things are definite...

But I need some more visions on it and I know this is the perfect place to let them flourish. Its about the last attack on the palace....


Here is an glimpse of my notes... (You don't want to know the amount of notes I've made....)


+-+IC-Attack -> Ambitious, but the last attack needs something to remembered by....


3-way confrontation. Magic, Fighting, Stealth. The player may choose. Therefore there will be the possibility to replay it?

The player may choose where to start, which defines what kind of help there will be.

All choices will be accompanied by 2-4 IC guards that will respawn upon death.


--These three are executed at same time, meaning if one is chosen the others will be done already. _+_ (Open for opinions)

Market District->Fighting->Be confronted by 4, when 3 are death, 5 are added, then when another 3 die, 1 boss comes in. Help from knights.

Arboretum->Magic->There are 3 targets, combined with hostile mages. All targets must be destroyed by magic. Help from mages.

Temple district->Stealth->3 bombs most be placed or 3 targets killed. Sneaking helps to avoid encounters. Help from thieves or assasins.


--The other districts: the Arena, Talos, elven gardens, need to be reconquered in order to gain access to the palace.

After all are, the palace doors will be open so no single choice is needed...The levelment of the palace allows for

a mulptiple of additional ideas.same time, meaning if one is chosen the others will be done already. _+_ (Open for opinions)

Market District->Fighting->Be confronted by 4, when 3 are death, 5 are added, then when another 3 die, 1 boss comes in. Help from knights.

Arboretum->Magic->There are 3 targets, combined with hostile mages. All targets must be destroyed by magic. Help from mages.

Temple district->Stealth->3 bombs most be placed or 3 targets killed. Sneaking helps to avoid encounters. Help from thieves or assasins.


--The other districts: the Arena, Talos, elven gardens, need to be reconquered in order to gain access to the palace.

After all are, the palace doors will be open so no single choice is needed...The levelment of the palace allows for

a mulptiple of additional ideas.



Now that ain't much...as I want to keep most things interesting to play....but share your thought and I'll elaborate...

(Hopefully tomorrow and at least at Monday...) I've made an account with Empires Glory..I used the hotmail of that starwarsfreak thing..

I've send slawter something via PM about some password..

Owk, I'm off to sleep. Particularly as this is the 4th time I'm writing this thing as I get kicked out every 4 minutes :P.




Hmm. Although maybe it is time to set up our own website. A real one...not the info-dump we had...

Any designers around? Photoshop or Gimp? I've recently made a flash website. That's very easy.

Great thing about it is that no code is needed, with other words. I only need designs.

If anyone would be willing, I promise you ... it will be quite easy. Meaning everyone capable of using these programs could do...

(Except figuring out what to design of course ;) )



(This seems enough to discuss about for the weekend, I've left out a couple of things...those can wait..)

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Nice to hear from you vicICE


You'll be back in a week roughly am i right?


Ok yup i got the PM its about megaupload the team account and the password, shall we just go with that and take the files down after we are done sharing?


Sure, might i make a suggestion for IC recapture though(Great ideas btw) anyways my suggestion is respective citizens could be struggling with illans forces e.g in the market district you could go into each store and find the shop owner struggling with 2 or 3 of the invaders, Like the guys from the best defence are sort of holding their own,and calindil from mystic emporium, or phintias has made a huge wall outta books(Lol random sorry) or in say the arena the combatants have been cornered in seperate places, Some outside, some in the arena etc


150 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just an idea ^^




Our own website sounds cool, but are we missing any information at all? And what sort of design, (background? Colour?) or just wing it? Maybe the IC in the background?

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