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Empires Glory


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eh.. no that's Project Fort Fear which is pretty much dead...Ow wait..no..you tested (Project) Fort Death too! :P

Fort Death had the long contract attached to it ;D. Project Oblivion is something few know any details about...not even you or apocalypse...


Yeah, I read it ..I'm going to wait on elrodian and argomirr.


The topic for Crimson is up... It's called Quick Question, Quick Answer. (QQQA)

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Hehe, well actually it was something else. He apparently was sick, so he couldn't get too much on WOW actually.

Indeed, I suggested to start with Fort Death as that one doesn't need to many modifications..Ah well...actually some :P

But when he and I collaborate we work at a speed that's quite unmatched :)...

EG would've been done already if he pulled the strings ;D. I hope he'll be online this weekend, he hasn't been on the PO-forums for three days.


Ah...none has used our QQQA yet :( :) They should actually have one at nexus too, they are quite useful.

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