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Empires Glory


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We're old :)..and the comment that it doesn't look nice is old.

I vote we leave it and give Ilian some golden armor. I LOVE THIS SWORD!

if ya want i could do another, just for kicks and giggles, or maybe a blunt object...


the melon hammer is now a recource for a uvmapper/texturer... then ill need a scripter

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Ehrm I have it..but now I think of it, Alex would do the UV again IIRC. That's from a while back though..

We need that one, then it'll be complete :)..


Now make some posts and threads as you're more than 600 posts behind!



ahh...yes..the uv map ... is the original file still available ? I improved my skills since then (at least a bit :biggrin:)

if possible send it on [email protected] please

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