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Well, I can design things, that doesn't cost much time. (maybe less than an hour) Not actually things that's long to make. Maybe just a single building/interior or maybe a few. But not really so good.


(screenshot taken from the CS using my non-gaming notebook)








(probably I can't help you now)

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Ehm owk, but we don't have anything right now....we'd have to wait until Open Arch progressed a little so Argomirr can hand out the interior jobs... Hm, although...how are your dungeon-skills Ancient Aeon. (Doesn't have to be done right now...)

We need a connection with the Cyrodiil, it doesn't have to be a large dungeon at all. I just had a long tunnel in mind.


(oh no, I totally missed my 2222th post !)

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Hm, although...how are your dungeon-skills Ancient Aeon
Horrible. (I always duplicate a vanilla dungeon cell when making my mod, I just changed the lighting for a bit.)


I'm better more at the exteriors and small interior lighting. No other things other than that. I don't think I can do much work now, maybe later.


As for the big building,

At first I was thinking about making it similiar with the Apostolic Palace (St. Peter's Basilica), not too similiar now.

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We already have someone that may create new cathedral for us rather than mixing the old ones...

Owk, but it will take some time before you can work then. But as you can't right now, that's quite useful :)..

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Hey Ancient Aeon! While your waiting for some tasks from EG, do you think you could check out the mod me and Argomiir are working on? Its called repopulating Cyrodiil and we need some interior people! If you dont want to, I understand, just thought you might want to check it out if your bored and want something to do. You can find the thread here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry1386910
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