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Empires Glory


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ye your ok kieran i know you just try to help heres a simpler model of mine which suits the medevil theme that is illian

Now, that I love. It works, and it's pretty badass.


As for good guy things, think European Longsword. They have conations of chivalry and honor. Maybe silver with a big glowing blue gem in the hilt.

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As for goodguy weapons i was thinking something more along the lines of a vanguard if you dont know what on of those is its a more rectangular blade without a sharp end.

I'm not familiar with it, and google's got nothing. Can we get a pic?

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im not sure if thats the real name of the type sword its just on this game i've got swords of this type are something something vanguard so i just assumed :)


This is an example of one

Looks pretty demonic to me, but I can;t wait to see what you turn up.

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Ok im really happy with this to say this wasn't along time at all that i'v made this blade i think it looks awsome :) definately a good guy wep instead of making everything sharp and spiky and more sinister i made things more blunt which helps that good guys weapon effect.



I've had a look at the official website for the mod and there is a list of the modders who have helped can my name be placed on this list to please??

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