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ok i think i have alot more of an idea of this texturing. :) i found out how to make normal maps i've currently made a test blade and have got textures for it which i have made a normal map for. so hopefully when i put this on an NPC in game it should be shiny in sunlight and also it should show up in colour. :) i'll tell you guys how this went.

If yoiu want it to be over the top, try making it have a reflection map. Oblivions Custom reflection mapping is ok, but its better to make your own and blender can do it easily. Just a little thought.

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ok i think i have alot more of an idea of this texturing. :) i found out how to make normal maps i've currently made a test blade and have got textures for it which i have made a normal map for. so hopefully when i put this on an NPC in game it should be shiny in sunlight and also it should show up in colour. :) i'll tell you guys how this went.

If yoiu want it to be over the top, try making it have a reflection map. Oblivions Custom reflection mapping is ok, but its better to make your own and blender can do it easily. Just a little thought.


Ampolx wanna do a little lesson trade like me and alex did i'll teach you something i can do and you teach me texturing well that way all the team benefits and both of us do to :) but i mean texturin can be complecated so i'll show yousomwthing real good aswell :)

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Reflection maps aren't textures (well in a sense.) A reflection map does have a texture that looks like something seen on a shiny sphere. You can get a bunch of reflection map images from various sites or just use on of blenders default or 3DSmax default maps but the real process is done by mesh editing. I'll try to type out a tutorial and send it to you (since you seem to have a decent knowledge of modelling, im sure it will be very easy for you.)


As for information on textures, thats a large subject that can cover many things, ex. normal maps, glow maps, what dds compression ratio, parallax bump mapping, etc etc. If you have any questions, I will try my best to answer them.

(this bit of knowledge is free :P no trade required)

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Ampolx: well i now know how to make a normal map which is what is needed for any texture really so it doesn't show up black when uncoloured i thought it was hard to do but its very easy aslong as you have the texture made :)



(my new model textures) Slawter i made the good guy blade frankly i think this is awesome :)

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If you want to learn how to make a detailed normalmap, I can teach you some basics to that. Mostly the bump mapping techniques like normal, parallax, relief, parallax occlusion. The specular lighting idea is also good to know so you don't make a texture too bright or not bright enough.
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Detailed normal maps are pretty easy once you learn them. I will teach you the GIMP way since I use GIMP to make my textures.


Start by completing your texture.

Then you add the color to alpha feature in layers or colors section and put the color code to this-> 000000

You should see it become black but your texture has turned mostly transparent (this is good)

Then you go to yoru GIMP normalmap button under Filters.


This screen can become pretty weird so I'll tell you it in a nutshell. The little check side boxes that say wrap, x-invert, and y-invert are what we are looking at. Since your making a normalmap for an object, check wrap, then check both x and y invert.


Then make sure you set your height source to ALPHA.


click the scale a few times (probably a good 8-10) would be good, as its a weapon. Leave the filter on 4x4 (you can change it if you want but the sobel filters do not work as of my knowledge). Then click 3D preview


This is a advanced window that messes with bump mapping among other things. What we want right now is to click the little lightbulb icon. Then click on yoru 3d preview image and hold the mouse button down as you gently scroll down the image, making it darker. Mess around with that. Then press ok.


Save it as a TGA file and use dds converter to convert the image into a dxt/3 dds file with 9 mipmaps.

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