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Azuras plane IS Moonshadow ;)


Quote from the Imperial Library: A Guide to Daedra-Azura


Azura maintains the domain of Moonshadow, a twilight country of shades and half-thoughts. Visitors to this isle have historically come mainly from the Dunmer of eastern Morrowind (as Azura is one of the Dunmeri three Good Daedra) and the catfolk of Elsweyr, whose people both hold a great affection for the mother of immanence, though by separate roads.

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Goddamn only just finished catching up, you mo fo's fill these pages up quick :D


Well im back now errm had some work to do :) and i've also been working on the trailer for my mod but thats going to be a long long time im going to make sure its done to perfection but enough about me (selfish git!) :L


Errm first of all i need to apologise to AMPOLX! for my quite stubborn "Who else do you have thats a good modeler"comment i did not think we had any other modelers so that is my mistake, so i'm sorry for that dude we dont want you to drift off and leave. (YOUR AWSOME!)



And apologise about getting people's hopes up with the weapons i was showing. at first i had no intentions of what they would be used for but with my modeleing getting better i just though with some hard grafting and great design i could make an awsome super unique mod.

and for that reason im sorry for letting you guys down.


i guess it's just you can only really use a weapon in a mod once and with those looking awsome and unique i decided to put the use to the mod of mine, they are actually what inspired me to start the mod :P but i didn't realise the trouble it would cause :(


But now that's just water under the bridge so if we could just forget about that and keep modding because there is definately more awsome stuff in mind for EG from myself :D

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Glad to hear we are all on the same page no worries about the models I'm sure we will see more of your greatness added to the mod. I am also A modeler but have been working on other stuff. I just like your work.


glad all water is where it belongs and the bridge is sturdy here ha ha no worries. :thumbsup:

we are a team and will continue to work together and develop this Grand EG dream



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Necromage is finished all of 4 cells a cave connecting necro base,mage base and the massive battle room fully with lighting and pathing all done and tested looks and runs well.


just need to change the statue have not found the Satue ID yet.


other then that it's all done


Location is next to Leyawiin

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