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Empires Glory


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XD Crimson? What? :P


I agree we do need to get back on track :)


And The staff of magnus is ready for the CS i need some people to tell me when they need them!!

If i show you guys a weapon i made for EG and you like it you have to tell me you want it in EG otherwise how do i know, I end up making weapons for EG that are just sitting there because i haven't been notified that you need them now.


It's almost 2010 and this mod was meant for this year hopefully we can sort some quality stuff out fast :D


Weapons for EG unused:


-Illians Rapier (Dark) we decided to go with the darker one as it suits Illian more


-That bow texture (What happened to Imperial Modder? i need the texture XD)


-(Bone Cleaver) and i mentioned a couple of pages back, you guys could have a sword based on the chaos weapons (The Awsome Ones) but for a good guy that says (Eternal Glory) that glows in the dark.


- Demon bane (Maybe up to you guys)


I have a staff that i keep saying you guys can have which is also based on the chaos weapons and would look 500% awsome with Illians mages.


So please send me some kind of notification back :) i have all these in folders blocking up my Desktop :P


I wish i could give you guys that Dragon Head Dagger but did i upload it ANYWHERE?? unfortunatly

it was deleted off my old laptop (MOMS! >:( here's a picture of some of the things ready for EG

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Some more things!!


- I am now registered at Scrollworks studios under the name L33Nexus :D


- Can someone please change my name in the Siggy link to L33Nexus!! :)


- Can you also make sure that when open arch is done or whatever, to just L33 as the nam for the Open Arch smithy thanks! :D

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no this was an idea i had way back on the nexus back in the Coalition days LOL.

when Open arch was being named.


Nazgul raiding and terrorizing at night fall, An Open arch town Side Quest.

it was agreed to be a cool add on but nothing was official or finalized.


but we could make it just zombies or something simple that way no armor would need modeling.

even Scaled larger ogres.


just considering making Open Arch robust in lore quests and so on like any town in Tamrial.

as far as the Textures go are we using custom Texture tiles, walls etc. if so where do i get that CS resource?

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do we have anyone else at all who knows armor making slightly?? because i don't want it to come to a final showdown where it's all up to me for armor creating, fair does i'll be making EG Armors once i've fully learnt but i don't want all the pressure to be on me :)
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Maybe some breton with the staff is running trough town every night at 2 am, yelling 'Who stole my boots!'.


Ha ha, are you referring to the cuirass incident in the Scrollworks RP? :P

Maybe, maybe ;D.

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?? @Crimson why the message? i was only making a joke, 12 year old mentality i only just noticed that you put that, OTT dude! thats why i'm making the weapons and armor for EG, oh but wait i have 12 year old mentality, pfft i'm sick of you now, every other Member can take a joke besides you.


@ Slawty boy- Yeah sure ill ive you Rep :D and prodizzle of course :)

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