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Despite the fact you just pushed it further off track :P.


Anyway guys. Who likes L33's idea for getting only one of the swords on the last page, one for if you choose martin. Or one if you choose yourself. Or perhaps You can just take one from a vault, and pick the one you want.


Lets think of places to put them there swords.

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"Donate others...... Here EG team I would like you to have this random hobo I found on the streets."


Nice work Dagon Ther :)


Im leaving it up to you guys do you want Both of the swords or just 1??


For anyone who is a little behind here are the weapons im talking about


ABOSLUTELY BAD-A$$! ( The hobo, but your swords are pretty good too L33... :rolleyes:, oops sorry off topic... )


Ahem... those are some pretty fine-looking swords ( I really like the new one ) :D, you should post some in-game screens.


Despite the fact you just pushed it further off track .


Anyway guys. Who likes L33's idea for getting only one of the swords on the last page, one for if you choose martin. Or one if you choose yourself. Or perhaps You can just take one from a vault, and pick the one you want.


Lets think of places to put them there swords.


Just saying, sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

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It appears that I missed a lot. Hmm...I see some fighting a few pages back. That seriously bums me out as i tend to drift further away from too much emotional modding. I am glad it got solved though...but after I finish my work, consider that my two weeks from this project Slawter


Replying to Crimson a few pages back: Yes I made a lot of clutter and textures for Open Arch Interiors. Just small stuff though like busts of random oblivion gods, different open books and scrolls, and many many more meshes.


now replying in general: Due to a few minor inconsistencies, I will be absent from this forum and project for however long they are.


@Pronam: I haven't checked in with you in quite some time. I have been working on the entire Open Arch World, making sure every detail is just a life like as the real outdoors. I think each cell has over 400+ items in it (all ranging from flora, rocks, trees and different foliage, fauna, etc etc you get the point) and thats not counting oblivions generated grass system. It does come with a slight hit on FPS but your getting a amazingly detailed small world. The recent movie Avatar has given me some inspiration too. And just a FYI, I am not using any SI content. Just vanilla oblivion content and a few of my new meshes. I do not know if this will require SI or not so I left it vanilla oblivion. Pictures will follow soon!!!


@DagonTheranis: Nice book!


Back to general public: I plan on mopping up all my work and just packaging it to you guys probably by new year or later.


Until the next mysterious drop in...;)

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Wow. Absolutley awesome Ampolx. It'll make an excellent christmas present :P.


I sent a PM to Elrodian. No reply as of yet, but he was online about 16 days ago so he's not massivley inactive.


However we should probably check on pierrick. Haven't seen a reply from him in a while.


Edit: Thanks for the opinion peppez :)


Although in response to L33's idea. Isn't that a little unfair? What if a player see's a screenshot of one, but ends up with the other. We should find a way of showing each sword before hand.

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I know.....................I know you guys................im sorry......................."Ok i have 1 Unit left in Calcu. Im gonna finish it tonight its 2:25am i havent slept. I`ll get it done & then i am free to enjoy the holidays, play some MW:2 & get some Textures done. Its not just the texturing i am behind on, its life in general, im sorry i am so slow you guys. I am being bombarded with work (school) so i do the best i can. I need to know EXACTLY what you want and how you want it & a deadline. I have a TYPE B personality, ill die some day from stress. But if you make it seem like you need the texture quicky i might do better thanks.


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Yea, just a thought, it is to unfair because what if they want to be emporer but they get the wrong sword... so i say let'em' have it.


1st Sword for being crowned Emporer/bringing back smart tin


2nd Sword for kicking Illians fat wrinkled ass. BUT OH NOES! WHAT ABOUT THEM MAGEZORGZ?


I have 2 Staffs


-One with a little dragon on top but im gonna need to rework the texture.


-One like the one i showed you THIS ONE...

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