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Empires Glory


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You know for a second there before scrolling down i was imagining myself making one XDXD Geez i'd do alot of models for you guys its kinda funny all i need is an Idea and someone i know who would Appreciate it and thats it im all over it :D i could do a flaming throwing star for morrowind of course... with daedric inscriptions on it XD


I've almost finished making the EG suprise (Nothing big kinda more of a seasonal novelty)


Shadow Mourne- Ready for the CS... Finally.


The two EG swords- well well someone finally gave me Oblivion back and my SI and my disk with Every DLC on it. so i'll be getting in game screenies soon, thats if everything is alright.


that Katana for Zalleth is ready for the CS.


so i'm making time :D

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Just an FYI, im starting my two weeks after New Years. I'll still be around to help you youngins on textures here and there and provide support. Heck if the EG team ever starts developing something else for oblivion, my resources and skills are always on hand and at your disposal.


Just a though: Have you gave thought to starting a thread at the officals?

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