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Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)


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Lore friendly and immersion breaking are not the same thing. I was mostly commenting on his #2 point where he says modern words break immersion.


As for lore.. well Bethesda changes it with each game and often has 2 versions of the same lore in the same game. So honestly I wouldnt put much stock in people talking about lore and then trying to fit the mod into it. I was once told my steel shields are not lore friendly.. a kite and tower shields set are not lore friendly? They didnt have any modern symbols on them or pictures of anime characters. So some that cry lore are out in their own reality.

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@jet4571 - Lore friendly, immersion breaking, whatever they both imply that something doesn't fit within the world of Skyrim so I kind of consider them similar. Whilst some things obviously don't fit, others are really down to an individuals opinion.


@kageryu001 - Ok, fair enough. I will copy and paste my reply to someone else who asked the same question:


Obviously I cannot say for sure, all I can say is before June or July (it was one of those two) as that is when the voice actress will be unavailable for quite a while, although I will still continue to update the mod. It will most likely be released way before then though, but that is kind of the final deadline for the initial voice recording. Any further recording which would be much later on if I decided to do more would have to be discussed. I would say April seems realistic for a first release with any additional non-essential dialogue being added in over the following 2 or 3 months but that is just a very rough estimate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks both of you, glad to hear it. There is no change in release time frame, before June, most likely around April. It's impossible for me to say.


I suppose I should give some kind of update. All the main quest lines are recorded but I have only received half of them because it is a lot of work for Christine to edit so many lines, but she knows quite a bit about audio and does a very good job getting it to a professional sounding standard and is apparently almost done. I have added the lines I have received into the CK and I am currently in the process of scripting the quest lines to trigger at the correct moment which I have got kind of working although there are a few bugs to fix. I'm pretty sure there was some other lines I added in that I didn't post an update for a little while ago related to the weather and environment but yea they weren't that interesting anyway. Christine will be recording lines related to what the player is wearing next, some of which are rather amusing. Here's a few good ones of varying humour types:


That armour must be difficult to polish. The next time you take your armour off and find it a bit hard, I could help give it a quick rub for you. Uh no… that didn’t come out as intended.


Sure, dress like a criminal. It’s not like anyone in Skyrim is going to notice. *sigh* Unfortunately I’m not even joking.


Your outfit got me thinking. What would a khajiit fur coat look like? I mean one that is not on a living khajiit of course. Maybe we should try and start a new fashion and perhaps create a new business out of it. We could make a killing… Get it? A killing? You know by killing khajiits?

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Hi. Sounds like she will be an interesting follower. And I can offer a fix for her clothing and meeting her for the first time. She is already a party girl so keep that in mind. You have seen the cloaks of skyrim mod. Change that a little to be a blanket. Set a scene where our mighty (choose your sex) traveller happens upon an overturned wagon. Around it are about 50 empty wine bottles. You look around the wreck and find Sofia passed out and wrapped in a blanket. Once you wake her up she says something like" Last thing i remember was playing strip poker with a bunch of nords...(long pause to size up the situation)...I guess I lost." This way you don't have to worry about clothes, usually everyone picks their own. And you can place her in a large world space without overlap issues. Keep up the good work and thanks.

Edited by spydar59
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Yes, I haven't officially picked an outfit or a way of introducing her to the player yet, but taking the drunk route is definitely a good way around the clothing issue and would fit her personality very well.

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