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Why the current environmental Fad is absurd


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Green energy sounds great. Who doesn't want a clean environment? Who doesn't want to ensure that we have clean water and air for ourselves and the creatures we share this little planet with?


I want these things.


However the current push for green isn't about any of that. How do I know? Because it ignores the one thing that causes severe pollution.


Planned Obsolescence


Our manufacturing and our entire civilization is based on this. The reasoning is that to keep the gears running in the economy, consumers need to be forced to upgrade. What would Ford do if they built a car that lasted 50 years and never broke down? They would be collectors items for sure and Ford would be out of business (probably). Manufacturing and our economic model needs to be completely redone.


So if we rejected Planned Obsolescence, it would greatly reduce pollution, it would also give people a lot of free time to live thier true lives.


Greed is the mission. Not any environmental issue.


Planned Obsolescence is in everything. Even the roads we drive on are designed to require repair and replacement for this very reason. It is the elephant in the room.. following the whims of the "green" zealots will make us less free with no change in our climate trajectory.

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And it got worse in the last decade. Before you could buy a product that lasted for ten years or more, now expect five at most.

My monitor from 2008 lasted until last year, when the backlight started to fail. Now I don't know how much my current one will last. I know the gradients are worse on it, when I apply high contrast.


The cars you mentioned, they could last 20 years when Henry Ford was alive. Today in 2 years they are already breaking.

It is even worse with buildings. You have mansions from 300 years ago standing up and doing well, whereas the modern building is already old after 10 years.

The more the economy grows, the less products last. And the less they last, the more trash you have, which causes pollution. A toxic ground, then, will produce toxic food.

Edited by Wolfstorm
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A Movie I saw declared the reason we're all in the state the world is in is because we are being cooked slowly like they do to tough meat in a crock pot until it is tender. Then a huge being is going to appear. That's why the galaxy is swirling around the center. They are strings of noodles on a fork that has stabbed a meatball that a giant child is going to eat.


The Earth is just a tough meatball in the spaghetti.

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And lets look at what goes into all those "Green" projects...... First, you have the rare-earths the need to be mined (strip mined, for the most part, at the moment) and all the polution from the heavy equipment to do so, then it needs to be refined, another process that is VERY bad on the environment.... then it needs to be shipped to the manufacturer, (more fossil fuel usage there) refined further, (more mess) finally implemented into the finished product, be it solar panels, windmills, batteries, (read: electric cars...) But, what happens then? After they live their useful life, somewhere between 5 and 7 years for a battery for an electric car) what happens to it? It gets tossed into a land fill, for all those rude, nasty chemicals to leach out into the ground water. Batteries can be repurposed, but, very little in them is recyclable at this point. Solar cells? Into the landfill they go. Unless your electric car is powered PURELY by renewable energy, it is actually LESS environmentally friendly than a gasoline powered car..... but even then, not by much.


So, lets take a different perspective here. The goal is to reduce carbon emissions, right? So, first, get rid of the alcohol mandate for gasoline. EVERY car on the road instantly gets 10-15% better gas mileage. The need for tens of thousands of acres of corn just went away as well, so the agricultural component also goes away. Food gets cheaper, as feed isn't being redirected to fuel production. Farmers lose out, as they won't be getting that government mandated money for raising corn..... So, the farm lobby will make sure this NEVER happens.....

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I gave a lift to a fellow vet I saw hitch hiking one day. I started to complain when he tossed a dead cigarette filtered butt out the vehicles window.


He said, "Hey! It all came from the Earth. We're just putting it back so the next generation will have something to do with it later. Maybe they will find something better to do with it?!"


I looked at him. We nodded at each other. In perfect timing we both said, "Or Not!"

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Who is the Dr. Fauci of this movement?


Every big movement had a leader. It sure isn't President Burden..


So if there is no Scientist willing to be the voice of this Green movement. Someone who could answer the questions, layout the science that justifies the cost. both in gold and blood...If the only person they can find is a 12 year old Danish drama queen that suggests to me its all a lie. You don't even see Al Gore anymore..


The numbers don't add up. If you walk blindly into this with self righteous ignorance, then sure... But you need to pay attention. Real fascism is trying to take control.

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This is something of a hard truth that has been blowing up lately.

The fact that they think we can all drive electric cars by 2030. 1) There are already electrical shortages and blackouts here in the US, most heavily occurring, in the exact same states pushing the laws to outlaw gas vehicles by 2030-2035.

2) ALL The auto manufacturers, (especially Tesla) canNOT keep supply to demand. You literally can't even buy a Tesla right now, you have to lease one, and the waiting list is several months long, just for that.

3) Parts are scarce. Especially electronics.

4) Unreliable batteries. Especially all the ones all the automakers are getting from China. Gee. In most states, the temperature gets HOT during summer. In some places, in excess of 90+ degrees. What happens to those cheap batteries in that heat? They expand. Some of them, BLOW UP.

I'm not saying that it's a bad idea. But, like pretty much everything else done by politicians, it's inspired by money, and implemented with almost no technical knowledge, with no real thought into the implementation process. Or whether it will even actually work. Long, OR short term.


Here is the really, really, REALLY ugly truth. You wanna save the planet? Fight global warming? Cut population. Any way you look at it, when it all boils down to it at the bottom of the pan, severe population is the root cause.

And I ain't talkin' about cow farts! :dry:

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Now, on the flip side of things, I'ma say this. My best friend works for Tesla's Solar division. One of the really cool ideas that they are implementing in areas that will volunteer for it, is Communal Charging. (Thats not the actual name, I don't remember what he said it was called).

But yeah, basically... have extra solar panels installed on your property. Your neighbors, do the same thing. And then you're all connected to a micro-grid. The excess power goes into the grid, and stays there for the houses that aren't getting enough, or saved up for cloudy/rainy bad weather days.

Very cool idea.

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