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[HELP] Requesting tips and advice regarding settlement power.


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I'm not sure if it's just me, or the fact that it's a Bethesda game, but I'm finding the electrical systems to be really quite irritating. I have experience with electricity IRL and I don't know if that's holding me back because I'm expecting things to follow the same basic rules of continuity.


I'm not even trying anything all that complex, just a door that can be opened from either side with a couple of vanilla switches and an XOR gate. Should be simple, right? Power to Switch A and B, from both switches to the XOR input, and from the XOR output to the door. But between pylons and conduits radiating power (Why the hell do they do this in the first place!? Contraptions adds "Power Radiators" that seem completely redundant!), doors only having a hookup on the outside, and other annoyances and restrictions, even this simple circuit seems to be a task for a madman.


Any tips or things to avoid to get stuff like this working? I'm on the brink of insanity!

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