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Raiding settlements


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I have not played the nukaworld main questline much because of a simple thing,

raiding settlements,

I am the general of the minutemen in my savefile, im triying to get the preston garvey perk, but im just worried that raiding settlements will either tell me to raid my own settlements or tell me to raid some settlements that are full of minutemen or settlers and im afraid that one day i accept to raid a settlement, AND ITS THE GOD DARN CASTLE, so all i can do is ask vague questions to google in hope that when i get to the point of raiding settlements with preston not following me, that he doesnt find out i just commited genocide,

And yes i know i can side against the raiders but doing that just ends the whole questline, making it so those 20 bucks i just paid to purchase the dlc just add some secondary quests and a single settlement that is already in the base game

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Unless you mod the game for otherwise, Preston will Not be Happy with you.


Preston can go sit on a live grenade for all I care...


HY- While I know that with Modern Firearms, you have quite the arsenal to choose from for that little sporting event. Here's a couple that I'd think about taking along with Me. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10289 I am very much fond of the shotgun version :D


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/61803 Boom, baby! BOOM!


Sansito. If the only thing that is stopping you, is worry about what Preston is gonna say or do, then here's an option for you,


Fork your savegame, by renaming your character. When you rename the PC, it starts a new savegame branch for them, under the new name. WHILE LEAVING THE OLD NAMED SAVES INTACT!

I use this CONSTANTLY for testing out mods.

Or when I just wanna go out and kill chit on a new toon, but don't wanna have to go gearing up, first. (I have a save from just outside the vault that I have quite a good bit of gear on.

The tool that I use for changing the char names is Cheat Terminal. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13285


But yeah. Just rename your main char. Then switch over to the newly created save game for it. Then go wreak as much havoc as you want, or you can, over in NukaWorld ;) :D

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Gatling gun? *snicker* "For when you REALLY want to reach out and 'touch' someone." :D


I usually carry a silenced pistol, Full auto combat rifle of some sort, and a semi-auto sniper rifle with REALLY good range. (duelist 'slow time' legendary is always handy as well....) With PANPC, the raiders are a *bit* smarter, but, still tend to come at me in small groups.... So, pistol to get the party started, then switch to the combat rifle when they all start runnin' at me. Sniper rifle for when the crowd is thinned out rather well, and I can take 'em out, and they have no clue where it's coming from. I LOVE crowds...... Just gotta watch out for the non-combatants.... which can be hard in the marketplace there.

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Hahahaha, yes indeed!

One thing that I really like about that gatling rifle, is that unlike the vanilla gun (aside from the fact that it's NOT a "heavy" weapon, and thus doesn't require Those perks for extra effect!)(not to mention the movement penalties!!) is the cool down. Or rather, the over-heat. The more that those barrels start to really get glowing, the less effective it is as far as range and damage. VERY cool feature.


Commando is also on my "standard build" so I'm usually also packing at least 1 full auto 10mm. Usually, mostly, for ghouls. (joystick player, my controls are good, but still not the same as mouse players) When they really close that gap. But not so much for human enemies. That, and the stagger effect for when they're starting to swarm.

Tho. TBH there is DEFINITELY use in "riding the recoil". Start at the legs, and just let the gun raise itself up as you fire. :D (And I use the live dismemberment mod, so body parts flying, is fun too)


But I do also usually carry a maxed out .44. For that really big close up punch. That, and there's just something about melting faces with a big iron. Quite satisfactory! :D Some peeps like to do it with a shotgun, myself I like it with a revolver.


But yes, sniper rifle is a must. I'm kinda the opposite tho. (Again joystick player) I like to start the party out from range, and then just let them come to me. I have the usual one. And then I also carry one with explosive ammo. Just to get that... Surprise Mother ******! effect going :D :D

(Also for tanky super mutants, but that's beside the point!)

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I think it was fallout 3, or maybe New Vegas... I take the Shotgun Surgeon perk, along with "And STAY Back!" perk, and a shotgun becomes DEVASTATING! Couple those with the Pancor Jackhammer...... and even deathclaws are no longer a real threat. :) Of course, on folks with ranged weapons, greater than that of a shotgun...... well, gotta use something else for them. :D


Due to health issues, my coordination on my right side ain't what it used to be. (fortunately, I am left-handed.... but, still mouse with my right) So, a game controller just doesn't work for me. I don't play on consoles, because I CAN'T..... I tend to get dead right quick. It's annoying. :D

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I haven't gotten around to playing either of the previous versions, so I dunno.


The Pancor is, and will stay, in my LO. It's a very fun weapon! Only thing I dun't like about that one, is how LOUD the soundfile is for the blast. It's still my go-to for shotguns tho.


Yeah, playing joystick isn't for everyone. I learned to play it on a PS4, so I never really wanted to learn it on keyboard, when I was already used to it via gamepad.


Yeah, I bet that IS annoying. But yeah, fortunate that you're a southpaw.

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I haven't gotten around to playing either of the previous versions, so I dunno.


The Pancor is, and will stay, in my LO. It's a very fun weapon! Only thing I dun't like about that one, is how LOUD the soundfile is for the blast. It's still my go-to for shotguns tho.


Yeah, playing joystick isn't for everyone. I learned to play it on a PS4, so I never really wanted to learn it on keyboard, when I was already used to it via gamepad.


Yeah, I bet that IS annoying. But yeah, fortunate that you're a southpaw.

I used to play a lot of flight sims.... had the joystick, rudder pedals, throttle, etc. The games were a gas, but, I can't find any that are actually GAMES any more.... I was really looking forward to Star Citizen, but, that turned out to be just a cash grab, and I doubt there will EVER be a 'finished' game out of it. I am thinkin' Starfield is going to be worth looking at.... I LOVED playing Privateer back in the day, and Starfield is lookin pretty close. Of course, I don't have my flight controls any more. (does anyone even remember what a serial port looks like? :) Let alone a game port..... haven't see one of those in more than a decade....)


Flying is fun, and I don't need *quite* as fine of control as a shooter, so, it just works! (thanks Todd, I stole your line.) But, Starfield got delayed, so, I will hold off on buying any more gaming equipment for a bit. :D

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Can i use commands to increase preston's affinity while he hates me to skip the hate dialogue and keep preston as a companion?

if not then who in bethesda designed this dlc because i wanna have a lil' chat with them.

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