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Sansito, please don't take this as written in stone, because I am just guessing. But, my guess is that his reaction is a scripted event, triggered by a player choice/action.

That's how most of this stuff works, at least. Whether or not there's commands that an undo that scripted action, I dunno :(


HY- I know what you mean. I used to have a really nice Flight controller joystick for when I played Wing Commander. Didn't work well for driving games, but flight games, it worked great!

Eh, I guess that you're talking about the round ones that were color coded, and not the boxy serial ports that had the hold-in screws? Considering the topic, I'm guessing that you're talking about the ones for mouse/keyboard? OMG I really, really miss those old click-clack IBM kybrds! The ones that were heavy enough to beat somebody with, if they ticked you off at work!

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Serial port was a 9 pin, d-shaped connector, that did indeed have the screws to hold it in place. Game port was a 15 pin D-shaped connector, with slightly different spacing than the standard VGA port. They were generally found on sound cards. The color coded mouse/keyboard connectors, were PS/2 connectors. :) (and no, NOT playstation. :) )


I LOVED the wing commander series of games. I played the heck out of those. The number of hours I spent on those, would probably scare me.... Of course, at the time I was playing them, I had nothing else to do, as I had given up walking due to injuries for a couple months.... It was fun, and it wasn't.... I am kinda partial to being able to get around under my own power. :D


Preston being mad at you for siding with Raiders is indeed scripted, and I seriously doubt that a console command will solve that. The first time you do another raider quest, he will be pissed again. Gotta remember, the goals of the raiders, and preston and company, are diametrically opposed. It's one or the other. Can't have both.

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Not to mention that it's Raiders and Ghouls that took a large chunk out of his troupe. Pretty much all of his group (cept maybe Mama Murphy) all have pretty valid reasons not to like them.


But yeah. I dun't think, that unless you can find somebody to edit that script, that you're gonna be able to avoid the consequences of some of the choices in Nukaworld. :(

I still say, your best best, is to fork your gamesave by renaming the character (or start a new game) and then just go crazy with whatever you want to do, on the disposable save branch.



PS/2 Ahhhhh yes. That's it. Thanks Bro!

But yeah, they're still serial ports. LOL I remember when PS/2 to USB adapters started getting used. So the old clickety clicks could get plugged into USB ports!

Do you remember those big, huge slotted ports in the back or underside of laptops? For use with docking stations? Looked a lot like way oversized female RAM plugins? Or the card slots for a modem card? With the little push in tray that snapped out to plug a (ooooomg) phone line into?


Bro. Wing Commander was a serious addiction for me. I still wake up, sometimes, thinking about seeing streams of ball bearings flying off into Kilrathi ships! :laugh:

Or "Gotta go knock out that tanker!"


Yeah man, that does indeed sound pretty rough. I can definitely imagine that if it was me, I'd totally immerse myself into sur-reality. Couple of times, it was MMORPGs for me, in tough times.

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I think you would have to edit more than one script to prevent preston et. al. from being annoyed with you for playing nice with raiders.....


I occasionally still see machines with the ps/2 ports.... some of them are so old, they won't recognize a USB keyboard, or mouse, until you actually get into windows...... A local business is STILL using windows 98 for their point of sale...... Ya know how much fun it is trying to find hardware OLD enough that it will actually run? And don't even bother with more than 512 meg of RAM..... windows 98 chokes and dies..... But then, no one will ever need more than 64K of ram, right? :D (famous words of Mr. Gates.....)


I always loved doing the 'slide' thru Kilrathi hangars, and destroying everything in there. GOD that was FUN! Made a big mess of their ships too.


I miss those games, would love to see them do another in that series. I WOULD go buy some flight controls for that experience.

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I think you would have to edit more than one script to prevent preston et. al. from being annoyed with you for playing nice with raiders.....


Resetting Preston affinity and dialog after raider hatred is in Unlock all Companions.


As with 100% of SKK mods zero base game script hacking involved.

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