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Possible new gun for FONV


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Please, only EXPERIENCED mod authors. Preferably weapon related.


I have absolutely no idea at all how to make any kind of mod. With that said I was recently at a gun show and saw the MOST beautiful rifle I have ever seen. I would like to have this rifle in game and was hoping to find someone who could make it for me. I do have some very close up real life still images of it for the lucky person who decides to make this for me. Since I am only providing the pics it would only be right and fair for who ever makes this to be able to lay claim to making it. All I ask is for a concept or background idea credit. I would also hope that the mod author would share this awesome weapon with everyone on the Nexus :) Please PM me and let me know if you are interested in making this weapon, I can tell you right now, it will be a VERY challenging mod to make because of the detail involved on the weapon and also because of the weapons unique abilities.

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You may be more likely to get help on your project if you posted a few of your pics and some information about what sets this weapon apart from others. As someone who tinkers around with the GECK a bit, when I read "unique abilities," what goes through my mind is "something not possible / incredibly difficult to do with the current engine."


People generally like to have an idea of what the project will involve before committing to it. :)

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You may be more likely to get help on your project if you posted a few of your pics and some information about what sets this weapon apart from others. As someone who tinkers around with the GECK a bit, when I read "unique abilities," what goes through my mind is "something not possible / incredibly difficult to do with the current engine."


People generally like to have an idea of what the project will involve before committing to it. :smile:


I really did not want to post the pics unless I had to, and according to your response it seems I will have to lol. I actually was hoping for the gun to be a surprise for everyone. Would it be possible to send you the pics directly and you could give me your opinion, this would in no way mean that you were or were not going to do the mod.

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Sure, feel free to PM me the pics, I'll let you know what I think, but I will point out that I have absolutely no artistic skills and very limited abilities with scripting, so there's not much that I can contribute on that end. I just wanted to say that you'd be better off posting what information you have up front. I know its fun to have everything be a surprise, but the fail-rate for mod requests is dismal enough as it is... You'll have a much higher chance at success if everything is laid out so that you just might catch the eye of someone who'd be interested enough to contribute.

Edited by Dudeman325
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Why is it so hard to store pics on this site, sheesh. I can't seems to figure out how to send them to only you

As Dudeman325 said, if you really want this mod made, just post the pics up front. A lot of mod requests go unanswered as it is so making people actually go through a few hurdles to just get an idea of the mod is a pretty bad move.

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Acting like it is a privilege to do you a favor involving lots of work seems arrogant beyond belief. Then demanding only those selected can view your wishlist is just plain funny.


Re-size the images to some reasonable size. Click on 'more reply options', select file attach, then then attach the file and MAYBE someone will come along and be kind enough to make them for you.

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