Admiral Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 Pob said: I'm sure you can Admiral. Scotland is North OF Enlgand not North England (Yanks please note the difference). I never said it was North England. I said it wasn't it's own country at this time. Much like Northern Ireland. Since I'm lazy I'll just past something from the histroy channel website to show you want I was talking about. "These improvements did not lessen a persistent nationalist movement that urged greater autonomy for Scotland. The movement became prominent with the discovery of North Sea oil in the 1970s and gained momentum in the 1980s when many Scots felt the government of Margaret Thatcher was unresponsive to them. When Tony Blair became prime minister in May, 1997, he made the devolution of authority one of the principal objectives of his government. In Sept., 1997, Scottish voters approved the establishment of a parliament to run their domestic affairs, with the power to make laws and set taxes. Elections were held and the body began sitting in 1999. The Labour party won the most seats, although not a majority, and established a coalition with the Liberal Democrats; the proindependence Scottish Nationalist party (SNP) became the principal opposition. The Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition remained in power after the 2003 elections. Jack McConnell, of the Labour party, is the current Scottish first minister. See also Great Britain." Once again I'll repeat. Scottland is not it's own country it is moving towards it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OddGuy Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 well, im a yank, but i know more than most americans, especially about other countries; I'd LOVE to visit Scotland one day; and whoever said their dog would make a better president than Bush is right; Bush is a complete f**king retard. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walrus Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 hey, link are english trying to forbide your language? ps: hope you get indepence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Switch Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 wow i didnt know scotland wasnt completely independant yet ^_^ and last time i checked england isnt in the habit of forbidding anything in the countries we still "rule" over... i think the language just died out over time. but i really know nothing about it :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miltonic Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 I'm a very big fan of all things Scottish. After all if it's not Scottish, it's crap. I've never had Irn Bru, but I have heard of it. A shame, because I love good beer. Do we have it as an import here in the States? As far as history, I've read that a large reason the English were invading Scotland was to dispose of the Knights Templar Order. The Knights Templar had left England from the Persecution of King Edward II, and it was the Knights Templar Order who funded the Scottish against the English Armies. Many historians say the horse riders who flanked the English(Can't remember the name of the battle) that was shown in BraveHeart were actually Knights Templar themselves. A really dark history if you dig deep enough, but fascinating. Reaper: I think you are referring to Haggis McMutton, if I remember correctly :D Huzzah to Scotland! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThetaOrionis01 Posted August 16, 2003 Share Posted August 16, 2003 *shudders to think what kind of dog's dinner the clowns in the Scottish Parliament would make of independence* It's hard to take a parliament seriously that seems to be solely occupied with squabbling over who said what....when they're not awarding themselves pay rises or a building that's out of proportion both to the Scottish economy and the importance of the Parliament. If California gets Arnie, can we get Mickey Mouse to give the Scottish Parliament some credibility? :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Posted August 17, 2003 Share Posted August 17, 2003 miltonic said: Many historians say the horse riders who flanked the English(Can't remember the name of the battle) that was shown in BraveHeart were actually Knights Templar themselves. A really dark history if you dig deep enough, but fascinating. I believe you are reffering to the battle of Stirling. It is not protrayed accuratly in the movie Braveheart. That battle was not a "Gentleman's war" IE they did not line up and face each other in an open field. What happened was as the English were crossing a narrow Bridge Wallace and his soldiers charged and killed the English soldiers who were trying to cross over. This is how they routed the army. If you want to know more about the Knights Templar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miltonic Posted August 19, 2003 Share Posted August 19, 2003 Thanks for the link Admiral. I remember reading a lot of that info before. I had read that it was Louis the VI that started the persecution, and King Edward the Second quickly joined 'the hunt'. I had also read that the Knights Templar were directly involved in the 'Battle of Stirling'(maybe a different battle though) and it had something to do with flanking part of the English army with horse riders. Unfortunately it's been a couple years since I've studied them, and with so much information, specofoc facts ail me, I apologize. I appreciate the link though. One thing that the link mentioned was that the Knights Templar were completely destroyed, one thing I read didn't happen. Supposedly they changed their Name and continued in the banking business, under the 'guidance' of their 'persecutors'. In the end, nearly all sources of power are related to each other in one way or another, and if there were problems with one, the other powers that be will make amends, after all, they didn't get to be where they are by playing nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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