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What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared?


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It isn't the big dogs that will thrive, but the smaller ones. The ones that are bred to hunt rats and mice.

The smaller ones will simply be able to get to more food sources than the larger ones - and they'd be smart enough not to become food for the larger ones.

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Here's where I have a question about how it would turn out. Feral cats and dogs.

Feral cats have already proven real world, that when they populate uncontrolled, in an open eco-system... that they wreak an enormous, devastation upon that ecosystem.


I... believe... that it's Australia where they are such a problem that there is an ongoing social unrest that hunters and trappers have had to resort to exterminating them, in order to try to preserve the local wild life? (PLEASE correct me, if I am wrong about that! I'm not from AU, I don't want to try to presume that I know more than I do about a country I've never even visited :wink: )


But, in that particular aspect, I think that feral cats may prove to be more than the feral dogs could handle. Especially considering how territorial cats are, and how they act towards potential competition for food within their perceived territory.

Yes, dogs, especially larger ones, Are more powerful than a housecat. Cats however, are dirty fighters, especially towards dogs. When I lived on a farm, our neighbors had a very nasty, very aggressive german shepard. He would come after me, every time that I went to go get the mail from the box (at the end of our driveway). We also ended up with a very nasty feral tomcat at our place. The dog chased him up a tree. He waited til that dog got overconfident at the base of that tree, and then jumped down right on his head.

Then he latched on, and proceeded to tear that dog's eyes out.

Blind dog isn't too good at survival on it's own. Or in a pack.


However, that territorial nature of theirs, would also work against them. They don't tolerate others in their territory, so they don't pack up.

It would be hard to say, how that would go.

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I think Agent Smith summed it up pretty well.




Yep. To Earth we act like a virus, killing the host. "Luckily" for Earth, we'll die first & it might survive. (But its not impossible we set in motion the 'Marsification' of Earth)


Humans would need to change radically in many ways. Too many & radicall I fear. Our "ego", "believes", "emotions", "indifference" & irrational behavior have served us well in the past, but will be our downfall.


Once humans are gone, the earth will recover. It has been MUCH hotter, and also MUCH colder in the past. We aren't really changing that, we are only changing the rate it which it changes. What took nature thousands of years, we can accomplish in only a couple centuries. Barring a large asteroid impact, of course. :D


No, that's not a given fact. In most cases it is probable, but you can't rule out the destructive potential of humankind. Meaning, we could at one point in time, do something which will (eventually) destroy (ALL life on) Earth.

By which I'm not referring to the current 'global warming', or any new ice age. Those would kill a lot, but never all.


For that it would require a drastic change to the magnetic field, the atmosphere or Earth's core. (or a big enough asteroid of course, but we can't 'cause' that... well... unless we do :cool: )

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Scary things.

Experimenting with attempts to succeed at space fold. Yeah, that could really go bad. Experiments trying to harness dark matter. Another potential really big oops.

I'm sure there's others but those are the two that pop into my really tired brain.


"Unless we do". Theoretically, a Thor shot the size of a locomotive engine (the whole thing, not just the motor) in the right conditions, could lead to a near extinction level event.


Tho tbh, I think we need to worry more about Russia, China, and N Korea as far as world level threats are concerned.

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"Gray goo" is a nice one too.

Self-replicating nano-droids gone out of control.


Don't forget to worry about the USA. They are not 'immune' to turning fascist.


& They all are human, after all :dry:

Seems to me like the US is turning that way more and more and more.

maybe... "puppets". With long lengths to their strings.


Self replicating robots. Yeah. That's a thought that scares the drek out of me, to be honest!

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I think Agent Smith summed it up pretty well.




Yep. To Earth we act like a virus, killing the host. "Luckily" for Earth, we'll die first & it might survive. (But its not impossible we set in motion the 'Marsification' of Earth)


Humans would need to change radically in many ways. Too many & radicall I fear. Our "ego", "believes", "emotions", "indifference" & irrational behavior have served us well in the past, but will be our downfall.


Once humans are gone, the earth will recover. It has been MUCH hotter, and also MUCH colder in the past. We aren't really changing that, we are only changing the rate it which it changes. What took nature thousands of years, we can accomplish in only a couple centuries. Barring a large asteroid impact, of course. :D


No, that's not a given fact. In most cases it is probable, but you can't rule out the destructive potential of humankind. Meaning, we could at one point in time, do something which will (eventually) destroy (ALL life on) Earth.

By which I'm not referring to the current 'global warming', or any new ice age. Those would kill a lot, but never all.


For that it would require a drastic change to the magnetic field, the atmosphere or Earth's core. (or a big enough asteroid of course, but we can't 'cause' that... well... unless we do :cool: )


Given sufficient time, the Earth will recover. Granted, it might only be cockroaches left alive...... :D Nature is pretty much an unstoppable force. Sure, it might take thousands of years, but, Earth would recover.

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The Earth left untouched by human hands would do what it does and what it did in the billions of years before Man though it belong to him.

Volcanoes will keep doing their thing.

Hurricanes and Cyclones will keep doing their thing.

Tornadoes will keep doing their thing

Vegetation will grow unchecked - except by mother nature (i.e. lightning strikes).


Eventually it will just swallow up whatever man made.

Either topple it if it was made of metal (through rust and time)


Through erosion - but TBH there aren't very many structures built like the Pyramids.


Just overgrow it - like the the Wolf's Lair from WWII.


To coin a meme from the great Yogi Berra.

If you didn't know it was there, you'd never know it was there.

Edited by fraquar
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Yeah, that video I think was something like a 300 mile wide rock hitting the ocean? If so, yep, that is a life-ending event. The entire surface of the earth would be wiped clean of EVERYTHING. Some stuff might survive in the deep ocean on the other side of the planet, but, likely not for long.....

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