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The Hist?


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So this has been bugging me for a while there are male and female argoinians in Skyrim, we can presume at least SOME had relations but in the lore it says the Hist is injested on their Hatching day that effects their appearance, but theirs no HISt tree In Skyrim so what do Skyrim Born Argonians look like?

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there is a hist tree in skyrim. ... its even got a (dont remember the english word for it) to simply tap the juice.


That is the Sleeping-Sap tree, and is probably not a Hist. Not in the strict sense... if the story of it blowing down from a flying city is true, then it came from Umbriel, and would be an Ur-Hist. However, you do have the Eldergleam, which is a magical, sentient tree which can shape living things... That sounds alot like a Hist...


Anywho, we don't know enough about the Hist and how they influence Argonian development yet. MK tells us there will be more information in TES:O, but until we know for sure we don't even know if the Argonians are capable of normal reproduction. There is a running hypothesis that they aren't actually Argonian until after they ingest the sap of the Hist, and otherwise they are just normal swamp-dwelling reptiles.


If that is the case, than the Argonians in Skyrim, Morrowind, Cyrodiil etc. would all have to be born in Blackmarsh. We don't really know how long an Argonian can live, mind you, so it's possible they could get a lot of traveling done.

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