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Any way to save quest progress?


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Hey all! First time poster, long time lurker.

This post may contain spoilers which is why it's in this section. Feel free to move it and change the title to add "Spoilers" if required.

I've recently run into a dilemma where I've completed just about everything huge in the game (all shouts, level 85ish, leader of dark brotherhood/guild master/archmage/harbinger, etc) but installing any kind of new quest mod or really anything larger breaks the game now- new games treat it fine, but with this save all the NPCs are... well... they tend to stand around and become invulnerable. I wanted to try the civil war overhaul and the dragon overhaul, but I don't want to do it with a level 1 character, I want to do it with my level 85 prestigious awesome guy who's helped a whole lot of people (and killed a whole lot more.)

I really wouldn't like to start over on all my stuff. I can cheat my equipment (and trophy equipment) and levels back, but I can't really cheat my quests back- at least not to my knowledge.

Is there any way I can start a new save and use console commands/batch files/etc to have everything completed that I've done on this game so I can play all these mods?

First world problems, I know, but I would really like to try these mods out without having to play through the entire game again. This would be my 11th level 81+ character without cheating, and doing it again does not sound like a fantastic prospect.

I've attempted to make a batch script to get this completed, but the amount of bugs were many.
I started with the Dark Brotherhood quest-line, using "setstage" to complete the quests. As well as "player.setrelationshiprank" "player.additem" "player.placeatme (shadowmere)" however I do not have the password to the sanctuary, so I had to enter via secret entrance and found no way to reset it from Cicero's madhouse. I also found I did not have the password to the burnt sanctuary, and upon entry, it was burnt but the NPCs were all standing around like the first time you go in.

I'm not sure how to move the events along for NPCs and make the rest of the world recognize my cheatin.


This would be my second attempt, I don't have time to test it before I have to go to work, but I thought I'd share. If there is an easier way than this, please let me know:


Edited by bewop
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It is technically possible, but as with anything in Skyrim, "recreating" a save through the console is complex and can be buggy, probably just best to start again and keep the vanilla save when ever you want the other things. I considered doing what you're doing but quickly discovered there are other hidden variables in the console that I was unaware of and also, it kinda break immersion.


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There's nothing intrinsic to quest mods or being on a completed save that makes NPCs invinvincible and ruins their AI packaging. You are installing the mods incorrectly. If all you care about is your level, then start a new game, console in enough XP to get you there, and then set your skill levels and perks accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*points up* ... what the dude above said. then you should also be able to blast through most of the quests in no time. (except those 125 jobs for the thieves guild to get you all the trophies ;) )

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Civil War Overhaul really shouldn't be installed on anything except a new save.


As far as stability is concerned with other mods, here's something you could try:

You'll need TESV ESS editor (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27119/?) and HxD (http://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD).

Here are the steps:


1) Open TESV ESS editor, click "Open," and select your save (probably Documents/My Games/ Skyrim/Saves)

2) On the left, open up the "Global Data table 3" dropdown by clicking the plus sign next to it

3) Open 2 Papyrus and click Data

4) Click Export (I usually just put in on my desktop)

5) Open HxD

6) Hit open

7) Find what you just exported (that's why it's easiest to just put it on the desktop)

8) Hit CTRL+A

9) Under the Edit tab, hit fill selection, leave it at 00, and click okay

10) Save As; I usually overwrite the old one; it's not needed anymore

11) In TESVESSE, import that file

12) Save (normal, not compressed)

13) See if that works

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