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NPCs Disappearing At Sanctuary


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I'm having this weird problem. When I go to Sanctuary, Preston and co. are gone. Codsworth, Dogmeat, and any settlers I send there remain, however. Also, this happens after becoming the General of the Minutemen. The only mod I have installed relating to the Minutemen is Who's The General, which stops Preston from harassing the player with side quests. Also, when I try using console commands to bring them back (because waiting and going and doing something else doesn't work), their IDs don't come up. It's like they've been just deleted from the game. Can someone please tell me what the f-ck is going on?

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You have to click on them normally.


But here's a list: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/496881136902522442/?ctp=2

Ok. I'll give that a try. I just hope that this issue doesn't persist. I hardly deal with the Minutemen anyway, but I'm just concerned that this problem may spread to other settlements or something. It hasn't yet (at least, not that I've noticed), but I'm just hoping it doesn't, and that I can get this problem resolved.

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