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How can I add new games to my Nexus Mods UI without the whole Upload process?


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Hey guys :smile:


I seem to be having some issues with Nexus Mods and I hope one of you fine folks could help me out.


When checking "My Games" in order to look for mods more easily it only showed Cyberpunk2077 and Oblivion. I found this rather peculiar as I have uploaded mods on Nexus for Morrowind as well back in the day. Now I heard of some "RESCAN" option where you can set Nexus to scan for supported games that have mods hosted but I can't seem to find that function. The only other entry I found regarding adding games was in the F.A.Q. but there I had to go through a lengthy upload process that had to be manually approved but I don't want to upload anything as my stuff is already on Nexus and I just wanted to more easily navigate through the site to directly go to the mods for the selected game.


What's more, I don't even have Oblivion installed atm but I do have other games that Nexus has mods for (like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, etc) so I find it rather weird why it didn't detect those automatically and why I can't simply add more games to my list so that I can easily navigate to the correct subsection in order to check for mods. Am I overlooking something? There must be an easier way to add preferred games to my account right? :happy:


Thanks a lot in advance!








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From this page you can click the little + icon the add a favourite. https://www.nexusmods.com/games


Or when browsing mods for that game, open the menu in your screenshot and the current game tile will appear with a + icon overlayed. Clicking the plus adds it to your favourites.

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