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There should be some sort of filtering for images.


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I realize clearly defining the rules regarding this isn't easy (not every picture of a woman in a bikini is 'porn'). However, look at the situation we have. The image section is nothing but pictures of women in cartoonishly tiny bikinis. Many of them are even in clear violation of the rules that are in place, such as sexually suggestive poses and of course thongs. Still, that doesn't change the fact that the nexus can clearly enforce this for mods, but not the image section. Like I said, you can't look at the page for the Spice Gear Set if you have adult mods disabled, but you can still see far more revealing images even with that disabled, in fact whether or not you have adult content enabled or not does absolutely nothing to the image section. And let's not forget that one image that was on the 'recently popular' tab showing some woman that looked like she was bound and in distress. It looks to me like the rules clearly forbid such content.


The point I'm making is they don't enforce the rules that are in place, and for some reason the images page follows completely different rules to mods. They also do a pretty decent job of enforcing the rules for mods, so why can't they do that for images? And again, if they have a 'disable adult content' option, then why do they have a largely unmoderated image section that you can't stop the site from loading and is completely unaffected by the content toggles? I wouldn't dare try to access this site from work. Who in their right mind would? Perhaps some people need to consider that.


At the very least they could remove the images from loading on the front page, if they can't keep control of it for whatever reason. Besides, this is supposed to be a modding site, not a screen shot site. Honestly, at times this place just looks like 'Lovers Lab but for people who are only into 100% vanilla stuff'. Granted, that's not necessarily the fault of the nexus, and they do let you disable adult mods, so why can't you do anything to stop adult images from loading? Would it be that big of a deal to start using a tagging system for images? A lot of similar websites do the same thing. It makes it far easier to moderate content, and besides it also makes it far easier for users to find stuff. That's another thing, we don't even have a real search function for images. Why not add in? Like I said, it would also make it far easier to moderate, and perhaps would make the images tab actually worth looking at.

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The rules as described are enforced, what's not enforced is your incorrect interpretation of them.


With a community this big and diverse you're going to see things you don't like, just like in society in general, you don't like what's in the imageshare and that's fine but others do or there wouldn't be so much of it, why should your wishes take preference over theirs? we all have to tolerate things we don't like if we want to be part of any community.

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Guest deleted34304850


The rules as described are enforced

I think the Nexus mods do a good job but parts of the "Sexualized Content" section of the guidelines are clearly being broken and I'm not really sure why it's allowed to go on like this.


if this is true, have you reported the images that are breaking the rules? unless you do that, then no-one's going to know about them to deal with them.

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