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Uninstalling Sim Settlement 2


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The mods were already installed from the Beth site. It's called an overwrite. As far as the dumbo above you I have no interest in your nonsense. Unless it's productive don't bother. I'll just block and ignore.

So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did?


So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about.


You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it.

You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders.

You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus.

You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line.


Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it.

That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him.

So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there.


Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D


They haven't. He may have chosen to download it from the Beth site (no idea if it's actually hosted there or not, I haven't been to the beth site for ages.....), but, beth has never, and will never, include mods in a download. (at least, the ones that aren't theirs.....) Besides that, beth doesn't distribute games from their site either.....

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The mods were already installed from the Beth site. It's called an overwrite. As far as the dumbo above you I have no interest in your nonsense. Unless it's productive don't bother. I'll just block and ignore.

So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did?


So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about.


You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it.

You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders.

You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus.

You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line.


Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it.

That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him.

So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there.


Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D


They haven't. He may have chosen to download it from the Beth site (no idea if it's actually hosted there or not, I haven't been to the beth site for ages.....), but, beth has never, and will never, include mods in a download. (at least, the ones that aren't theirs.....) Besides that, beth doesn't distribute games from their site either.....


Hmmmmm. Interesting. Thanks so much for the information there brother! :smile:

Curiosity got the better of me tho. They actually do have both versions of SS that can be DL'd thru the client.

So if this supposed "overwrite" didn't come from Bethesda... hmmmmm.


This should be interesting. Popcorn anyone?

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The mods were already installed from the Beth site. It's called an overwrite. As far as the dumbo above you I have no interest in your nonsense. Unless it's productive don't bother. I'll just block and ignore.

So, HeyYou. This is your area. When did Bethesda start doing whatever he says (or thinks he's saying) they did?


So you go from blaming modders, to blaming Bethesda, which is what your gripe about modders doing is about.


You blame modders for faults in mods that you can't get to work, when you post problems that other people know how to solve, and tell you how to solve it.

You talk crap to modders on their mod pages, and exhibit what is known on the site as "entitled behavior" against the modders.

You start a thread to complain about a mod and lay accusations at the author, which happens to be big no no, here on the Nexus.

You complain about modders releasing things that don't work. When your ONLY mod, is EXACTLY THAT. A mod that doesn't work. And then you play the "oh I don't know how to make it work" "I don't want to learn the CK" crybaby line.


Oh. And you can idealize yourself as whoever you want to. But expect people to call you out for it.

That Brett Keane fellow? He's a joke. Literally everything that I found on youtube about him, was about what an asshat he is. A big fat slob who does nothing but shoot his mouth off and throw fake stories to try to get people to feel sorry for him.

So you picked one heck of a winner to try to emulate. Big blue ribbon for you there.


Blocking me is fine. IDC. Other people here in the forums will happily quote me, just For You. :D


They haven't. He may have chosen to download it from the Beth site (no idea if it's actually hosted there or not, I haven't been to the beth site for ages.....), but, beth has never, and will never, include mods in a download. (at least, the ones that aren't theirs.....) Besides that, beth doesn't distribute games from their site either.....


Hmmmmm. Interesting. Thanks so much for the information there brother! :smile:

Curiosity got the better of me tho. They actually do have both versions of SS that can be DL'd thru the client.

So if this supposed "overwrite" didn't come from Bethesda... hmmmmm.


This should be interesting. Popcorn anyone?


I have never used the in-game mod manager...... I had zero faith in it. :) After all, it IS bethesda..... And there are MUCH better tools available. (like, manually installing.... which I figgered would be better than beths tool. :D)

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