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Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion


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This game is going to dominate every RPG game on the market. Fable had a chance, and failed, miserably(sp). Bethseda's going to show BBB and Moleneux(sp) how it's really done. I know TESIV: Oblivion will not disappoint.


To be blunt, f--- Fable, Fable 2, and any other self-proclaimed "RPG to end all RPG's". Oblivion deserves the above mentioned title. Still, we won't know how good (or bad) it is until it comes out. I have (with an absurd amount of pride) my hopes resting on this game.

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Heh..basically the backend I've written for Gaming Source makes a post in the PC Gaming section whenever I add a new game to the database. That way people can comment on the game through the site..its all a bit complicated really, but works out quite nicely.


Don't worry about it.

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Am I the only one who thinks that adding in a frontend for the forums that encourages guest posting will make for a sharp increase in spam?




Not encouraging posting through the frontend or guest posting.


Besides that, your "game database" idea sounds pretty dodgy; what will be the purpose of such a database other than localizing comments on specific games?


Thats the exact point of this section. Whats your point?

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Peregrine Posted Dec 27 2004, 12:32 AM

You know, maybe with an entire forum section devoted to Oblivion, this thread is just a bit pointless


Hmm odd, after I posted that totally worthless post, I thought that as well...


But it's probably for the folk who aren't familiar with the MW forums, and are familiar with the Gaming Source forums instead.

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