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Mods reset in-game after installing or removing a new mod


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After returning to the game, I've had to re-mod it to my liking. But whenever I install a new mod or remove one the next save with the new modlist resets all currently installed mods within that save. This results in my MCM settings being reset, all mod Items being erased from the world & my character, and all install prompts for the installed mods also run their cycle again as if freshly installed. As of writing this it's happened 4 times and has become extremely infuriating to have to all but start over again with whatever vanilla items I may have one me, I'm really hoping that someone knows of this issue or even better how to fix it.

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Ok I have honestly, totally never heard of something like this. I have no clue what would be causing a problem like that. :(



While you didn't mention whether or not this was with your active saves...


I do hope that you know that it's not safe to test out mods, or make constant changes to your load order, with your active plays.

You want to do that on savegames that you have set up, specifically for that purpose, as changing the numbers assigned to your mod list, can cause CTDs if you overdo it.


Also, if you don't have it already, here's a really, really good tool to have along with MCM.


It allows you to make files that keep your MCM settings. So you don't have to go thru the process of resetting them every time you make a new char, or load up an old one. Just tell it to load up your previously saved settings, and get to it ;)


If we can find a solution to this, please, Pleeeeease keep us updated. As this is something horrific. And I've never heard of anything like this.

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Yes, this is happening with my currently active save. After further testing I've found that I don't even have to alter the mod list or MCM settings for this to happen, my original bet was a mod conflict or something similar. My mod list is 324 mods long which exceeds the .esp limit however I'm saving trimming the mod list and starting over for a last resort just in case my issue is unrelated to the size of the list. So far I've reinstalled the game twice, created numerous new characters, and change from Vortex to MO2 for installing mods. So far no dice.


Thank you for the recommendation for MCM mod, I'll definitely be using it after this Issue is resolved... Hopefully.

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"light" refers to a .esp file that has been flagged as a .esl.

The reason for them is that the game has a hard limit of 255 for .esm and .esp files.

but the formula for .esl files is significantly different, and allows for many more .esl mods to be in the load order. (hint: Creation Club Content are all .esl files. Beth wants to sell as many of those as possible...)


.esl files will load themselves up whenever and wherever the game wants to do so. Much like it does with .esm files. So by tagging them as .esl the game reads them with the new formula, but having them as .esp files still allows us to designate where and when we want them to load up, in the list.

Another thing that we've found is that if a mod is in .esp format, that a patch, update, or other mod that needs to work with it, also needs to be .esp so flagging them light, helps in that aspect too.

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"light" refers to a .esp file that has been flagged as a .esl.

The reason for them is that the game has a hard limit of 255 for .esm and .esp files.

but the formula for .esl files is significantly different, and allows for many more .esl mods to be in the load order. (hint: Creation Club Content are all .esl files. Beth wants to sell as many of those as possible...)


.esl files will load themselves up whenever and wherever the game wants to do so. Much like it does with .esm files. So by tagging them as .esl the game reads them with the new formula, but having them as .esp files still allows us to designate where and when we want them to load up, in the list.

Another thing that we've found is that if a mod is in .esp format, that a patch, update, or other mod that needs to work with it, also needs to be .esp so flagging them light, helps in that aspect too.

I see, that makes sense.

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Well it seemed like I had it for a min there, I enabled compatibility mode for a few different versions of windows and 10 seemed to work however after my initial restarts to test and I got comfy with my character again the mods reset after a short break from play. Is it possible that there's some kind of mod cache that may have been downloaded with my cloud saves that is causing some kind of conflict? I've al so tried testing with only one mod at a time enabled and the problem still occurs.

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@HeyYou I Saw that too, but he said:


"I've al so tried testing with only one mod at a time enabled and the problem still occurs. "

And what OP describes is not typical behavior. :nuke:

But you are also completely correct that does need to be resolved overall.



Have you checked your game cache through Steam? Seems like a reasonable and small step at this point.




I just realized You mentioned cloud-saves which relies on your connectiion ( all Software, Hardware, Firewalls, VPNs involved).

Turn off cloud saves for your own sake.




Try backing up your inis, deleting them, and adding/changing these lines in your Fallout4Prefs.ini in your "My Documents" folder after restarting your game.

(they should be recreated on game load).




And make sure that file is identical copy in "fallout install folder\data\fallout\" folder.

and there are no conflicting settings in Fallout.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini


end EDIT


As a last resort, rename your fallout 4 folder (for posterity/reference)

And re-download the game starting your mod installation over again more slowly with testing as you go...


Your entire install got narfed :sick: somewhere, and you need to identify/avoid the same error.

Edited by Blinxys
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