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Problem with equipment slots


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Hello, I have a bug with the equipment slots and mainly the head slot. I have this bug with Syrim and fallout.

When I start a new game everything is fine, but at some point the head gear is unequipped and I can no longer equip it or equip another. As soon as I close the inventory, the equipment is unequip. I never managed to find why, I've had this bug for years... Maybe there is a fix for it but I can't find it.

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I don't know if you are using the mod Amazing Followers Tweaks or not.

I've found a bug that if I put a companion in power armor, and have the option set active to remove their helmets, that it carries over to the player as well.


But yeah. There's multiple mods (some of which we are almost forced to use) that affect body slots used by gear.

If you are using AWKCR and Armorsmith extended, put AE towards the bottom of your load order, and test that out on a fresh character.


It may not even be One mod that's causing it, you may have an incompatibility. Posting your load order might help with finding it. But there's so many clothing mods, we may not recognize all of them by the filename in the list...

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