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Creation Kit Problem


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Dont know if I can get help here but ive been struggling all day

Creation kit refuses to load up files which is unfortunate cause thats how mods are made

Essentially this is what happens (im using the ck fix btw)

1: Creation kit opens up fine
2: I select the fo4 esm and my esp
3: I hit "set as active file" on my esp
4: everything loads but right as it finishes loading CK freezes, this freeze can last from 5 minutes to 45 minutes before I just crash to desktop

Ive tried multiple fixes like running it as administrator, removing the ck fix and trying vanilla ck, disabled some windows services so theres some room for ck to load, ran windows compatibility, reinstalled ck and even fo4,

It refuses to load, any help or advice would be great

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1. Did you try loading just the fallout 4 esm?

2. Did you try creating/loading another esp?

3. Did you scan your esp for errors via xEdit?

To add to the above...

Look at your plugin size... If its 0Kb etc. You have a corrupted save hence esp is broken and unusable...

You can try using a CK backup in this case by looking at /Fallout4\Backup In there you should see several files that start with your mod name with various dates and times when these backups were taken.

Example: YourModName.esp.1.bak

To use these files you have to rename to the original mod/plugin name... Example: YourModName.esp and replace the corrupted esp in your data folder (back up the old prior to replacing in another folder just in case ).

Edited by greekrage
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