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Baby Shawn. Unimmersive?


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I was watching a video of a gamer's first play into FO4.

They were doing the whole exploration into the character creation process, walking around looking around the kitchen and livingroom.

Then they have to go back and take care of the baby.

Walking over to the crib, the author of the video is clearly quite surprised, and very loudly pronounces "THAT is NOT MY kid!"

"Who'd you cheat on me with!?!?"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


While on it's own, it was kinda funny. Made even more so, by the fact that my own reaction was pretty close to the same the first time that I played.


And I can honestly, totally see why Beth chose to go the route that they did. They're trying to be fair to all players of differing nationalities. I don't disagree with that.


But yeah. I mean. Ok, so the ENTIRE premise of the plot of the game, is to get your son back. And the first reaction some of us get, is "That is NOT my kid!" I mean...


Way to botch the whole "emotional attachment to a plot device" even worse, Bethesda.




He grows up to be an old guy of a completely different color!

Granted, living underground pretty much his entire life, he's gonna pale out. But STILL!



I'm NOT an immersion freak. In a lot of cases, as long as it's FUN, I don't give a rat's tail about immersion.


But... I mean... this is kind of pretty bad.


Your thoughts?

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I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.

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:laugh: :laugh:


I mean... it's definitely NOT a very strong plot device, for the importance that it's supposed to play.

And totally just doesn't make sense that they were so lazy.



Add to the fact that there's a glaring plot hole. This institute took him in the first place, because he had "clean" dna, with no radiation.

But yet. As soon as the elevator starts to go down, we all get splashed with a huge gust of blast wind from one of the detonations... carrying... radiation. :dry:


HAHAHA! NO changing diapers, that's what the ROBOT is for! :D

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HY: I agree. And I understand where you're coming from. Not arguing That.

But the implementation.

Either it was sorely lacking, or they cut parts they shoulda left in.

(The fact that just in the last couple of years, a lot of that cut content is finally playable... thanks to MODDERS... well...)



And lets not even get me started about how the whole scene where they actually took him... is a memory sequence...!


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Well, Beth hasn't really been the best at story writing for some time.... Morrowind was good, oblivion, not so much.... Skyrim? Implementation there was lackluster as well. So, not really a surprise that FO4 didn't have the best storyline either..... Not that I really do much with the story line. :) I go Raider Hunting, or Gunner Hunting. I like large crowds. Keeps combat interesting. :D


As for the scene where they took him, you ARE active there..... you can pound on the glass. :) But, you are trapped in your cryopod.

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The cryopod scene.

while you are in the pod during the kidnapping/murder, open the console, and activate free cam. The command is TFC

Then tap enter, and tap the tilde key again.

Now move the camera up through the vault ceiling. You will see what I mean, about it being a memory ;)



Ummm. Yeah. I mean, I can't really say that the whole storytelling (or lack of) is really just a Bethesda thing tho. While yeah... they're seriously bad at it, it's becoming a problem across a majority of the industry. And not just the gaming industry.

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Well, ya gotta keep in mind that in Fallout 3, you went looking for your Dad..... so, go looking for your son? Not that much of a stretch.

Neither is looking for a water-chip, when it comes down to that. BUT the storyline for FO3 did make a lot more sense, until just before the end at least. Besides it only being the pretext to get you on your path to save (or destroy) the commonwealth.


FO4 is just weird from start to finish. (IMHO)

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I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.


I Don't Think the radiation reached the vault before you went in, the gust of wind is clean air pushed by the explosion. I could be wrong and don't really want to test it. I'm more concern about the institute scientist just grabbing the baby in her arms with her dirty radiations exposed suit. Shouldn't they have a sealed incubator ready? "Nah, I'll just grab him and carry him out since we can't teleport him out directly by putting a device on him."

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I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.


I Don't Think the radiation reached the vault before you went in, the gust of wind is clean air pushed by the explosion. I could be wrong and don't really want to test it. I'm more concern about the institute scientist just grabbing the baby in her arms with her dirty radiations exposed suit. Shouldn't they have a sealed incubator ready? "Nah, I'll just grab him and carry him out since we can't teleport him out directly by putting a device on him."



I fear more for baby shawn's hearing. His eardrums surely got blown, along with his mom/dad.

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