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Baby Shawn. Unimmersive?


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I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.


I Don't Think the radiation reached the vault before you went in, the gust of wind is clean air pushed by the explosion. I could be wrong and don't really want to test it. I'm more concern about the institute scientist just grabbing the baby in her arms with her dirty radiations exposed suit. Shouldn't they have a sealed incubator ready? "Nah, I'll just grab him and carry him out since we can't teleport him out directly by putting a device on him."



Ya know... that's actually one HELL of a good point!

Two of them, actually. Yeah, afaik, they didN'T teleport him back to the institute.


And thinking about it, you could be very correct that the wind blown ahead of the blast may not have carried any effects OF the blast.

And yeah, I'd rather not test it out either.





I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.


I Don't Think the radiation reached the vault before you went in, the gust of wind is clean air pushed by the explosion. I could be wrong and don't really want to test it. I'm more concern about the institute scientist just grabbing the baby in her arms with her dirty radiations exposed suit. Shouldn't they have a sealed incubator ready? "Nah, I'll just grab him and carry him out since we can't teleport him out directly by putting a device on him."



I fear more for baby shawn's hearing. His eardrums surely got blown, along with his mom/dad.


A .44 magnum is loud! Add into it that you're in a chamber, made entirely of metal. With him right in front of a big, Concave shaped refrigerator. Reverb is a nasty she-dog for gunshots.

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I wouldn't be to sure about the radiation. Gamma rays travel at the speed of light. Neutrons a little slower, but still way above the speed of sound, at which those clouds travel, roughly. Not an expert, so I really don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if you did get cooked a bit. If you see the flash, you got 'x-rayed', sort off. But hey, its a nice view :nuke:

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I already knew a bit what it was about, so it didn't come as a 'surprise', or the idea that it "isn't mine".

but still my thoughts where something like: "Ugh, a baby. You're not gonna make me clean his diaper now, are ya?"


Besides that the start of the game is waaaaayyy to short for any "emotional attachment", besides a tiny bit for Codsworth. They should have at least included that walk in the park, imho.

Now his 'vocal outcry' when waking up from his pod just made me cringe. (as did the scene before)


It makes no sense what happens. Non of it. Considering what they supposedly needed.

& the final reason given, by the "version" of "my son" I was expecting to find from the very moment you go back into cryo after the abduction scene, just makes everything that happened before sound extremely "counter productive".


I care as much about 'immersion' as you do, but the main quest should at least be a good storyline which makes sense.


I Don't Think the radiation reached the vault before you went in, the gust of wind is clean air pushed by the explosion. I could be wrong and don't really want to test it. I'm more concern about the institute scientist just grabbing the baby in her arms with her dirty radiations exposed suit. Shouldn't they have a sealed incubator ready? "Nah, I'll just grab him and carry him out since we can't teleport him out directly by putting a device on him."



Ya know... that's actually one HELL of a good point!

Two of them, actually. Yeah, afaik, they didN'T teleport him back to the institute.


And thinking about it, you could be very correct that the wind blown ahead of the blast may not have carried any effects OF the blast.

And yeah, I'd rather not test it out either.


Not sure at what point the Institute developed the molecular really, they could have not want chance it 60 years ago if they only had prototypes back then.

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For the scene where you are going to into the vault...... The way it works is, if you are close enough to actually SEE the bomb go off, you are too close, and quite likely dead.... (radiation exposure) That said, WE don't have RadAway..... so, there is that.....

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I know that there were reports made by crewmen, who were close enough on a ship to see one of the testing nukes that we dropped. Unfortunately it's been long enough that a lot of the details have slipped out of my brain :(
I do remember numerous accounts of them stating that they could literally see through the people standing close to them.

Now... how close they were to the detonation, the yield, and the side effects that they suffered, that I unfortunately do not remember. :(

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A .44 magnum is loud! Add into it that you're in a chamber, made entirely of metal. With him right in front of a big, Concave shaped refrigerator. Reverb is a nasty she-dog for gunshots.

Which begs the question, which is why is 10mm (also a supersonic round) littering the Vault?

It's not like they checked in deer. :ohmy:

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I know that there were reports made by crewmen, who were close enough on a ship to see one of the testing nukes that we dropped. Unfortunately it's been long enough that a lot of the details have slipped out of my brain :sad:

I do remember numerous accounts of them stating that they could literally see through the people standing close to them.

Now... how close they were to the detonation, the yield, and the side effects that they suffered, that I unfortunately do not remember. :sad:

Those guys were closer than anyone should be - because they didn't even know what the safe distances were yet.

Even when they dropped the bomb on Nagasaki they had no earthy clue their calculations for the expected yield were so grossly low until the aftermath. Then it came to light, ummm, a math error - we undercalculated big time....

Edited by fraquar
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