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What does draw distance use for system resources?


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Hey guys, was thinking about various mods, its been awhile since tweaking some settings. What does ugridstoload actually draw upon system wise? (Going from memory that impacts draw distance)


Is it gpu memory? Going to be getting a new graphics card to replace my 980ti(to a 4090rtx) and wondering how far I can stress the game.

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System RAM as well. UGrids determines how much of the world is loaded, and active. Stock is 5. Increasing it, exponentially increase the amount of cells being loaded, with the player at the center. I *think* having it set at 5, loads a grid that is 5x5, and so on. Each additional 'layer' beyond 5 gets larger and larger. I run at Ugrids 7in FO4, going to 9 I start getting screen tearing and such. Skyrim LE, on the other hand, runs great at 9..... and that was on older hardware than I am running now.... I haven't tried increasing it since the forced rebuild. (my machine died... so, upgrades were in order. :) )

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Hmm good to know. Building a new computer. Hoping the new one lasts me as long as my current pc. It's just a new experience for me to look at ways at improving graphics/etc opposed to turning features off.

For Beth games, the vid card has become more important, but, the CPU is still nothing to skimp on. It's more about clock speed, than number of cores though. Not like many games can take advantage of more than two cores at this point anyway. :D

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Ah, got that new fangled Intel Core i9-13900K. Compared to my current i7 6700k.. should improve things a tad. Yeah I know AMD is faster, but I really don't trust their driver support. May even try some enbs. Last time I tried it with my current pc it was like a slide show.

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Ah, got that new fangled Intel Core i9-13900K. Compared to my current i7 6700k.. should improve things a tad. Yeah I know AMD is faster, but I really don't trust their driver support. May even try some enbs. Last time I tried it with my current pc it was like a slide show.

I have seen some truly odd interaction between AMD procs, and their video cards..... on one machine, windows would run for exactly five minutes, then BOOM, machine powered off. Any other video card, the machine ran fine. Put the vid card in some other machine, and it ran fine. The errors in event viewer were not exactly helpful. :D


The 13th gen intel procs are out??? Wow. I am still quite happy with my i7 9700KF. :D

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Yeah heard about that as well... Not to worried about cpu usage seems like at 4k gpu is always the choke point. Again though, not exactly an expert on maximizing settings. Been more of a how to reduce settings person. Did invest in ddr5 memory though for new computer. With fancy rgb lights! Because lights make everything go faster right? ;)

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Yeah heard about that as well... Not to worried about cpu usage seems like at 4k gpu is always the choke point. Again though, not exactly an expert on maximizing settings. Been more of a how to reduce settings person. Did invest in ddr5 memory though for new computer. With fancy rgb lights! Because lights make everything go faster right? :wink:

Well of course. :smile: The more lights and flashy things, the better the computer! :D (I have all that stuff turned off on my machine, the flashy lights distract me, however, they also draw in my cats..... not a good combination. :D)


If you can find one, an Nvidia 3080 would likely allow you to run whatever you like. :D I am running a 3070 8gb, and run fallout 4 at "Ultra", at 3440x1440, I turn off God Rays though, as I am just not into them..... everything else is maxxed out. :D I love it. I also run UGrids at 7, which improves draw distance, but, gotta do some tweaks on your weapons to be able to hit anything at extreme range.

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