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Are you going to make a Robert's body (both male and female) version of your robe trader?

Only I'm having problems with the monk robe having certain polygons stretching off into infinity. This is because I'm using Roberts male and female bodies (possibly to do with the capes or such, doesn't happen with regular robes)


Already done. Only one type has skin showing and it supports both. Should be in the extras folder.


Reinstall the skeleton that comes with robe trader. It's needed for the rigging on the cloaks. :)

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Body and vanilla armour and clothing replacer for it. This is the only female body I am interested in any sort of support for - one version, same uv map as male, nicer rigging, proper elbows, etc, etc.


Only tame stuff back for now. Think I've got most of it up.



Welcome back Slof.

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Already done. Only one type has skin showing and it supports both. Should be in the extras folder.


Reinstall the skeleton that comes with robe trader. It's needed for the rigging on the cloaks. :)



Thank you yet again. :thumbsup:


Watch the download counter on your mods for today skyrocket :P

Already more than 100 for your better beasts.


Although the Argonian tails in your better beasts pack have a screwy uv-map.

I'm guessing that's because they originated from the HGEC body


You're ok with people PMing you with bug reports in your mods though right?

Only we can't do that in the comments since you disabled them (no big deal of course) and I'd rather not clutter up this "welcome back" thread since that would be kinda rude.

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Khajiit Retexture has 573 views and 115 downloads, thats about 1 in 5 viewers who have downloaded. It just goes to show that people still care.
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I'm fairly new to the site but I have seen a lot of Solfs stuff and it looks great.


Just hoping Solf Finished up the Snow Leopard one cause it's rather blocky and was said to somewhat Unfinished.


Can't wait to see more of Solfs work and Glad to have ya back even if I only Got here it's good to see your back none the less.

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I think slof may be the only forum-goer here who has a triple digit post count and a number of kudos that's only 40 away from it. Well, I know it's deserved.

Have you seen the Site Bot's post count?

Yes, it is deserved. She is one of the best modders out there, and doesn't deserve the beating she gets from trolls.

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Just wanted to say Hi Slof and welcome back :) I just got into the modding scene immediately after you left and while looking for a certain mod via google, almost every post said the best mod out there is Slof's. So, needless to say, glad to see you here sharing your most awesome talent :thanks: :thumbsup:
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So far it's only tame, inoffensive stuff here; whether I put back my large selection of male mods yet remains to be seen. Judging by the endless insults hurled my way for them, I'm not sure the human race is ready for my love of the male form! I suggest that if the community wants the rest back, that it shows me a little more tolerance. Please consider my feelings.


When one is pelted with insults year after year just for being generous, it is no wonder that results in a jaded and bitter feeling. No one is forced to look at, or use, anything I have here. The mods are offered freely for use of those who appreciate them. I mod for me first and foremost and as all my game characters and their companions are male, I mod for males.


I wanted to address this as I didn't have a chance to convey my opinion when you first left. You of all should know that people are stupid and fickle. Taking gut reactions and sticking to them as if they were devote beliefs they'd held their entire lives, and because of this they're loud. It's just the way things are and it will forever be the case. However you shouldn't, under any circumstances, allow the vocal minority to tear you down or make you think less of people as a whole. For every individual who will loudly and fervently vent whatever frustrations they may feel on you or your work, there's 10 more who quietly praise it and value your efforts above all else. I'm very glad to see that you're back and giving this community another chance.

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