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How many is too many?


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I know having too many of these active at the same time could cause issues if they start battling each other, but how many is too many? I have never played modded Fallout 4 before and today I am wanting to check out all the awesomeness I've seen, but I have too many because it crashes outside Sanctuary now.

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Well, the hard limit is 255 .esp and .esm files. The number of .esl files can vary dramatically..... and don't count toward that limit. As for the type of mods you can run, alot of that depends on your hardware.... the meaner the hardware, the more you can run. :)

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The number of mods is in directly proportional to the amount of conflicts they may create and the meantime between failures you will allow for. :ermm:

In other words, the less you know about what is going on inside, the more likely to cause disruption to game play with each mod added. :pinch:

Otherwise, yeah... Like @HeyYou Said! :yes:

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Here's a couple of tips. "Couple" being used figuratively.

1) Don't install a lot of mods all at once.

Moderation, grasshopper ;) Only try out maybe one or two at a time. PLay them for a bit, see if you like them, and well... they like you (meaning other mods that you have installed already). Then move on to another one or two that you want to try out.

2) Never, EVER test out new mods on your main character(s). Test them out on characters that you make specifically For testing out mods.

2a) Be VERY careful of uninstalling mods in mid-playthrough. Some mods are ok, but like Quest Mods and such, usually have scripts in them. This game saves those scripts into your save files. Permanently. If you disable or remove the mod, those scripts become orphaned. Which, creates big issues in your save games. Which will eventually build up to the point that the game crashes when playing off of those saves.

Hence, why you create test chars that you can delete if you don't like the mod or it causes problems.

If you start purchasing Creation Club Content, from in the game, I seriously recommend NOT disabling THOSE mid-playthrough, as nearly all of them contain scripts. (Those also do not count against your 255 hard limit)


3)You will NEED this. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42497

If you just started playing the game, you have the latest version OF the game. .163

Older mods published around November/December of 2019 PROBLY are compatible with that version of the game. Mods OLDER than that, are NOT.

This mod fixes that ;)


That's pretty much all I can think of right now.


Welcome to Fallout 4! Welcome to the nexus forums!

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