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have a follower I can't get rid of


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I love the mods in Fallout but there is one mod that has messed me up good. I don't even know where it came from. It started with a guy named Duke, the military leader of some faction that was supposed to get some data for his boss. I had to track him down by going to his apartment and other places . I was supposed to meet him at the Wattz electric factory. I did the entire mod, which was great. But, at the end I was supposed to do something ( i don't remember what it was now) but it said I failed. From then on this Duke guy has stayed with me as a follower. The problem is I can't get rid of him. And I can't talk to him. I have disabled every mod I can think of that may have some game play but he is still there. This is stopping me from playing another mod and it's making me mad. If anyone knows anything that might help let me know. In looking up anything close the net said it was a mod called Wicked Business. I did not have it so I got it. It did not look at all like the mod I had just played. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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This is actually really similar to a known issue that is part of the vanilla game.

In that situation, the bug kicks in when they get sent off to a settlement, and the script that sends them away fails.

In your case, the script ending the quest failed.

Exact same end result, but because of different things.


There are console commands that you can try out, to try to finish the quest without a failure. But I don't know them, and we don't know the quest.

I do also believe that a mod called Cheat Terminal has the function, via a holotape.

I don't know if this will work or not tho.

I also don't know if it will overwrite the data in your savegames, which already has the quest as failed. :sad:


Or if you find the mod that installed the toon using the tip HeyYou gave you, I can tell you how to make an override that will let you kill the character.



At least with the vanilla bug... there's only two options at the end of the day. 1) Put up with the follower that the player can't control. 2) Start a new character.

I hope that there's a better chance of getting yours fixed.

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Assuming the point of the OP was that this guy "Duke" won't go away, is more important than the quest...


Have tracked this problem in various scenarios, and found this to be effective most of the time.




open console ~ and click on NPC (Any follower you may have this problem with).
and enter the following commands:
setconsolescopequest followers
emptyrefalias companion
setplayerteammate 0
exit console ~
Or enter
into the console which should send them back to whence they came.
Albeit they are likely to be undressed, (unless you change cells before you encounter again).
To get rid of NPC altogether:
Open console ~
Select NPC with mouse
TYPE: martkfordelete <enter>
TYPE: disable <enter>
Exit Console.
Kind of a PITA but no worse than 10,000 other glitches. :pinch:
If its the quest that's bugging you:
Open console. ~
SQT will show/list all open quest targets
from there you can SQO showing/listing all quest objectives and stages.
setobjectivecompleted [questname] [stage#] [1]=done/0
setobjectivedisplayed [questname] [stage#] [1]=done/0
SetStage questname stage#
and fiddle with that, but you are better off with a save prior to glitch in either case. :wink:
Edited by Blinxys
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