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Instalation Problem


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I think there are a few threads discussing graphics card - a forum search should bring up some recommendations.


It really depends on your budget - there are cards available which support pixel-shading, and which aren't too expensive... or you could spend a fortune on a card.

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As to the reliability of the TNT2 card - I've never had any problems with it whatsoever, during several years of use. In fact, when my Geforce 4 packed in (which it did twice.... suffice it to say that I'll steer clear of ASUS products in future) I was rather glad that I had kept the TNT2 to fall back on. The TNT2 is probably the most reliable card I've had.


I can't recommend the ASUS Geforce 4 Ti 4200 since I've had two serious problems with it, and ASUS' extended warranty is a joke not worth the ink it took to print it on to the box. I'm currently using an ATI Radeon 9600 pro, and the older computer has been upgraded from the TNT2 to a Geforce FX 5200.


It really depends on how much you want to spend - the FX 5200 was less than half the price of the 9600 pro, but seems to work fine.


As mentioned, there are several threads discussing graphics cards on these forums - a search should bring up some good advice.

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I don't think your sound will be the problem, I have AC97 onboard sound and it's never given me any problems with Morrowind (well, apart from making it sound tinny but that was easily fixed).


I know you probably don't want to hear this but, your computer isn't really up to scratch at all. ^^; It would have been top of the line about 4 or 5 years ago. Morrowind is picky at the best of times. As people have said, a new graphics card would be good, getting some more CPU power might be an idea too (though I haven't noticed CPU power affects the game too much). Also, what's your RAM? RAM seems to affect how Morrowind runs a lot, but that's mostly performance, I don't know if it would cause an error message. If you have 128MB or less RAM you'll probably need to upgrade before you can play Morrowind without serious slowdown and freeze-ups anyway...

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, I understand it isnt the top of the line computer out there now but morrowind is old too ye know.


I have twice as much ram than what morrowind needs so it cant be that...shoot im really starting to get impatient with all of this waiting

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