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Do Not Use Outdated Versions of USSEP!


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You will run into problems if you use an archived version of USSEP on a newer version of Skyrim.

Do not use:

USSEP 1.5.97 on Skyrim AE 1.6.353 (like I did).




Make sure to use the latest version!

Fixed with the latest version:


That's unfortunate, guess I won't be using USSEP then.

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I think that using the 'best of both worlds' option in the downgrade patcher will allow the use of the latest USSEP version in the downgraded versions. I don't use it, so look it up to make sure.

Thanks 7531Leonidas, but that's not an option if you have the GOG version.

And it wouldn't solve my problem, as I don't want the CC mods that the latest USSEP version makes masters.

So I had intended to do what HedgehogMods31 had done, but if it's going to cause issues I'll give it a miss.

You might be able to remove them with SSEEdit, but it's probably more trouble than the mod is worth.

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