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Stop loot from respawning


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Is there a mod or even a way to stop loot from respawning in the world. Container's becoming locked again with loot and enemies respawning im cool with. But going to a location with things like sugar bombs coming back after i looted it before is annoying and breaks immerison for me. I could care less if it's so resources are there when the player needs it. I'd rather kill enemies and sell the loot they drop to buy the resources at that point. Make me feel like i didn't achieve anything with all the loot coming back


Cause with Sim settlements 2, all the loot in concord respawns. Including the stuff KingGath put in it. So all the asam sensors and even the note on the counter comes back. I wanna prevent this

Edited by TheCommanderOfThe101st
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setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 999999

setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 999999


Or use xEdit to create an overide ESP thats sets those game values.


that affects everything tho don't it. I don't want everything to stop spawning. I want loose items to stop spawning after i take it. Fallout new vegas had it where you take a tin can off the ground it gone no matter if the cell resets.

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setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 999999

setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 999999


Or use xEdit to create an overide ESP thats sets those game values.


that affects everything tho don't it. I don't want everything to stop spawning. I want loose items to stop spawning after i take it. Fallout new vegas had it where you take a tin can off the ground it gone no matter if the cell resets.



You would need to make an xEdit script that sets the Encounter Zone of the Object References of the items which you prefer not to respawn to "No Reset Zone" [ECZN:00190B28]. This is a "miscellaneous" zone meant for objects that aren't intended to respawn upon cell reset.


- Create a FormList of the base forms of the items that you don't want to respawn


- The script should work like this: when it finds the object reference of a base object which is in the form list, it sets the encounter zone of that object reference to No Reset Zone. So, when you pick it up, it won't respawn. Editor defined encounter zones of object references doesn't get "baked" in save games as far as I know so if you decide to remove them from the No Reset Zone, they should respawn as usual.


- Apply the script to the whole game world (since object references are in the game world)



EDIT: whoops, I though this post was in the Creation Kit's forum..

Edited by LarannKiar
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setgs iHoursToRespawnCell 999999

setgs iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 999999


Or use xEdit to create an overide ESP thats sets those game values.


that affects everything tho don't it. I don't want everything to stop spawning. I want loose items to stop spawning after i take it. Fallout new vegas had it where you take a tin can off the ground it gone no matter if the cell resets.



You would need to make an xEdit script that sets the Encounter Zone of the Object References of the items which you prefer not to respawn to "No Reset Zone" [ECZN:00190B28]. This is a "miscellaneous" zone meant for objects that aren't intended to respawn upon cell reset.


- Create a FormList of the base forms of the items that you don't want to respawn


- The script should work like this: when it finds the object reference of a base object which is in the form list, it sets the encounter zone of that object reference to No Reset Zone. So, when you pick it up, it won't respawn. Editor defined encounter zones of object references doesn't get "baked" in save games as far as I know so if you decide to remove them from the No Reset Zone, they should respawn as usual.


- Apply the script to the whole game world (since object references are in the game world)



EDIT: whoops, I though this post was in the Creation Kit's forum..


Ill have to check that out and try and get that working if possible. I know the Horizon mod has something of what im wanting but the mod also has other stuff i don't want and conflicts with my existing mod list.

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I do it the old school way. Raise the no find chance in leveled lists to 90% for general reduction, and add keywords for specific items. There are more then enough vanilla keywords to limit almost any item from any list.
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their is also another potentially tedious method (tedious because you would need to apply the global to every single leveled list, that you dont want items spawning anymore), and that is to use global variables for the leveled lists


essentially you would create a new global variable, set its value to 0 (this would mean a 100% chance the respective leveled list will have it items spawn, for whatever leveled list this global is applied to), for each leveled list, you add that global variable (so in a leveled lists, next to its spawn chance, click on Global, and navigate to the global variable you just created, do this for each relevant leveled list), and then you could potentionally use a *get item count* condition (however i am novice when it comes to scripting, so as such i dont know how you would input that condition into a script, assuming you can), and use the same script to change the global variable to a value of "100" (100 = means it can no longer spawn) when the item count is more then desired number.


so essentially, create a new global variable, and apply it to every relevant leveled list. then create a script and for said script you input:


GlobalVariable01.SetValue(100) ; Change the *GlobalVariable01* to whatever you named your new global.


this will as implied, change said global variable to a value of 100, thus any leveled lists using said global variable, will no longer spawn its items, as it now has a zero chance.


however a get item count condition is probably not ideal, but ye the bases is their, just have to think of a better condition to use, to trigger that global variable.


however do note, that this method obviously will only apply to leveled lists, if said items are hand placed (which likewise means they are not using leveled lists), as id imagine the items you are refeering to regarding sim settlements items might be, then this response wont be relevant to that.


should be noted that my response is largely to be read as a concept, as potential solution, not guaranteed to work, the global variable portion of the response should work effectively and likewise get the desired result, however its the bit in between is what needs to be figured out (both triggering the script, and a suitable condition to trigger the global variable value change). the global varaible idea is taken from own my mod, which uses the perksquest script to trigger the global variable change when a perk is chosen, this then allows my created leveled lists that use the custom global to then start spawning additional items when a particular perk is chosen, as such i know the global method works. and likewise the same method could be used to create an opposite effect such as what your looking for to stop leveled lists spawning.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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