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Drop gun in panic mod?


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It's just a game setting :yes:

Game Setting \ 0001A23C <iDeathDropWeaponChance>


Default: 100 = never

Total Clod: 2 = butterfingers



Thinking I was wrong about this... :ermm:

That looks like the odds of enemy dropping weapon when they die, which they do, a lot (in my playthrough).

So it's got to be coming from somewhere else (a script)... But where! :huh:


The rest is accurate:

Simply override that inside any mod using FO4edit.

Literally:Locate the game setting in Fallout4.esm


Right-Click->copy as overwrite with overwriting... into a new, (or existing) esp.


change to whatever value you choose.

Save the modified esp.


NOTE: Never edit Vanilla files directly.


(emphasis added per: Stormwolf01)


As far as a "Panic Mode", :wacko: sounds like fun, but that's just outside my wheelhouse ATM.

thinking it would look like the terror grenade effect from Children of Ug-Qualtoth (without the shadow ghouls)... :ohmy:

Edited by Blinxys
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It's just a game setting :yes:

Game Setting \ 0001A23C <iDeathDropWeaponChance>


Default: 100 = never

Total Clod: 2 = butterfingers


Simply override that inside any mod using FO4edit.

Literally:Locate the game setting in Fallout4.esm


Right-Click->copy as overwrite with overwriting... into a new, (or existing) esp.


change to whatever value you choose.

Save the modified esp.


NOTE: Never edit Vanilla files directly.


As far as a "Panic Mode", :wacko: sounds like fun, but that's just outside my wheelhouse ATM.

thinking it would look like the terror grenade effect from Children of Ug-Qualtoth... :ohmy:


Edited: for accuracy.


Quoted for emphasis! ;)

Tho if you do it in xedit, you have to make an override, it won't make changes to the game master files directly ;)


Ya know.... if a mod like that existed for nades and molies... for PC and NPC, I'd add that to my load order in an instant. I'd LOVE to set raiders on fire with their own damned cocktails!!


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I'd LOVE to set raiders on fire with their own damned cocktails!!


@stormwolf01 LarannKiar Has a mod that lets you catch and throw back grenades. :ninja:

But I don't want them to be able to do that to me. :no:


Range is the key. I throw grenades at fairly long range..... so much so, that they tend to still be airborne when they go off. :D

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