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Things that just don't make sense...!


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Hahaha..... you ppl made my day!


I WANT to "Sparta" Preston from the Trinity Tower... :laugh:





Pitch in at the request thread :D It would be appreciated :D


Glad we gave you a good laugh, DK :smile:


RoNin - I mean... a tin or two of car wax only goes so far, over 210 years... :laugh:

And considering the tools he has as far as arms... he ain't getting NOWHERE near MY car!!


Speaking of... who the hell has a babysitter that has a sawblade, and a flamethrower for hands??

HOW does he change those diapers??? Er.... maybe I don't wanna know...

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Ah cr@p THAT is NOT my baby! o_O LOL! Good Stuff. :wink:

That's pretty much my reaction too... What kind of open world design is so linear as to require a singular storyline element start to finish.

Nix the whole father is the son and visa versa and "you gotta get him back" fluff, and there would be as many different playouts as players and playthroughs.


Speaking of... who the hell has a babysitter that has a sawblade, and a flamethrower for hands??

HOW does he change those diapers??? Er.... maybe I don't wanna know...


IDK, I think you may have answered your own question already... Those seem to be the right tools for the job... If you want to be efficient and sanitary, and all. :mellow:


As for RoNin's point about the Codsworthless, he is cognizant enough to begin repurposing everything in the surroundings that by the time you are out of the vault he should have a personal Taj Mahal called Sanctuary. Something like VGer from the first Star Trek movie. :geek:


Else: he should have auto-deactivated long ago, and you find him rolled up in a corner like a ball of tin man.

Honestly, that would only enhance the immersion by 1000% if you had to reactivate him with a known "command override".


The only reason to figure he is still in operation is to backstory Bloat Flies, and Concord into a quest destination, but technically he could have experienced that at any time prior.

How long does a tin of compressed hydrogen normally last anyway? :ermm:


FYI: You can already Sparta drop Preston dead with SKK50's Preston is Killable and the quarry at either V88 or Dunwich, Use Get Outta My Face for maximum e-mmersion. :woot:

Edited by Blinxys
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I dunno. His sanitary efficiency seems to be making my child progressively darker and darker skinned. Kids that young don't need that dark of a tan! (Or maybe he's been flambe'd?)


Ya know... I kinda like that... no. I really like that idea, of finding Codsworth deactivated. We could have a micro quest of having to go into the house, get the fuel out of the laundry room, and tank him back up. IF we wanted to reactivate him.


See, thats another thing that doesn't make sense to me. Or rather, I disagree with it. Pushing the player down towards concord to meet up with the Concord C**ts. And their quest, is contentious. Some feel like that quests can spoil the game. Power armor too soon, beating a deathclaw too soon, minigun too soon. Yes, there are limits on those. That DC is not easy to beat (tho... not giving spoilers on how to do it safer). The minigun is really heavy for a starting char, and we burn thru a lot of it's ammo in that fight. (Supposedly :whistling: ) And the PA has a really limited core (Supposedly :whistling: ) and comes out of the fight all busted up (Supposedly :whistling: ).

Tho I myself just don't like Preston, or any of them. ANY of them.


While I'm by no means downing on SKK's awesome work. OR his dislike (perhaps going too easy with that word... SKK hates gravy even more than I do!) I'd have to take a look at his mod. Again, by no means downing on his work. But, I myself can add an override into any mod, of preston with his "essential" flag removed :D But yeah, for the average player who wants to get rid of him, that would be a really good mod to have! Especially since SKK usually goes the extra mile, and knows how to change dialogs, quests, and all that other good stuff, where I don't.


Get out of my face is an awesome mod. Much stress relief! Not gonna lie... that mod is what made me think more, about being able to kick preston off a ledge.


Timing. Companions. BAD timing. First, those good ol' heart to heart talks get really, really old after the 3rd or 4th play. WHY do they choose the middle of a firefight to want to decide that they need to make an awkward, drawn out, situation!?!?

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I dunno. His sanitary efficiency seems to be making my child progressively darker and darker skinned. Kids that young don't need that dark of a tan! (Or maybe he's been flambe'd?)


Ya know... I kinda like that... no. I really like that idea, of finding Codsworth deactivated. We could have a micro quest of having to go into the house, get the fuel out of the laundry room, and tank him back up. IF we wanted to reactivate him.


See, thats another thing that doesn't make sense to me. Or rather, I disagree with it. Pushing the player down towards concord to meet up with the Concord C**ts. And their quest, is contentious. Some feel like that quests can spoil the game. Power armor too soon, beating a deathclaw too soon, minigun too soon. Yes, there are limits on those. That DC is not easy to beat (tho... not giving spoilers on how to do it safer). The minigun is really heavy for a starting char, and we burn thru a lot of it's ammo in that fight. (Supposedly :whistling: ) And the PA has a really limited core (Supposedly :whistling: ) and comes out of the fight all busted up (Supposedly :whistling: ).

Tho I myself just don't like Preston, or any of them. ANY of them.


While I'm by no means downing on SKK's awesome work. OR his dislike (perhaps going too easy with that word... SKK hates gravy even more than I do!) I'd have to take a look at his mod. Again, by no means downing on his work. But, I myself can add an override into any mod, of preston with his "essential" flag removed :D But yeah, for the average player who wants to get rid of him, that would be a really good mod to have! Especially since SKK usually goes the extra mile, and knows how to change dialogs, quests, and all that other good stuff, where I don't.


Get out of my face is an awesome mod. Much stress relief! Not gonna lie... that mod is what made me think more, about being able to kick preston off a ledge.


Timing. Companions. BAD timing. First, those good ol' heart to heart talks get really, really old after the 3rd or 4th play. WHY do they choose the middle of a firefight to want to decide that they need to make an awkward, drawn out, situation!?!?

I found a core elsewhere that was fully charged, but, I can't recall WHERE I found it.... But, given the lack of FC's in the early game, the PA isn't really all the useful, same goes for the minigun, as ammo is really limited. As for the Death Claw.... I stay on the roof of the museum, and shoot folks from up there. I also use PANPC, so, there is rather a large crowd of Raiders down there.... Frequently, when I play thru that quest, there are enough raiders, that THEY take out the DC, and he's dead by the time I feel the need to jump to the ground, and hunt the last few raiders.


Of course, one of the downsides of having bunches and bunches of enemies is, you collect a LOT of weapons/ammo..... I am running Modern Firearms, and another mod that Unlevels them, so, ALL of the weapons can show up at first level. (and a raider with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun makes SHORT work of a guy, even a guy in power armor.....) So yeah, I get some good weapons early in the game, but, so does everyone else..... So, gotta be REAL careful approaching hostile territory. :D

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@ Stormwolf

"OMG No! No, NOT like that! The flamethrower is for disposing of the diaper, not the baby! " :facepalm:

~ Quote from General Atomics AI Developer :geek:

(it's why they needed those simulation rooms you find later).


The Operative word I saw was "IF" on bringing back Codsworth, in all fairness there should be a "Scrap" option, he is after all just an old outdated appliance.

The rest of the game would get along fine without him.

The only reason to bring him back would be nostalgia, or "I paid good money for that Mr Handy!" :verymad: (Which, is technically just a different kind of no$talgia).


The push to Concord is rushed, and very off balance, because logically, strategically you'd check out the RR (and obliging the story, pick up Dogmeat).

Again, THAT should also be optional and not so Forced. Ignore him, Chase him away, Give/take food, lure him, fight him, you know; real choices!

So now you got the tin man, the cowardly lion, let's go find a strawman, erm I do mean scarecrow... :sick:


Lets not hedge the city to see what the situation is...

By all means avoid the hapless but still friendly pillaged farmers to the West, and bumble right into the town proper like its a Sunday.


Hostile? Yeah!



Note: in my game, for the first 10 levels it's predominantly melee, virtually all NPCs level match, minimal XP, no level/end health scaling, minimal AP scaling, running uses AP, with Dead for Player, PanPC, Unique NPCs, SMR, SM Brute, Mutant Menagerie, more enemies, yada yada all whirled up inside 255 esps +espFEs esls, esm, etc. et al... (roughly <700 mods).


Only point being these:

1) Everyone's gonna kill you, hands down, its pandemonium out there!

You are some thawed out piece of fresh pre-war meat, walking into a cold-rolled and hardened steel war-scape filled with tetanus and jaggy edges. :devil:


2) It's called Pre-War for a reason, "I said, Get Yer Punk @ss BACK in th' Fridge!" ~ Quote from ANY wastelander. :pirate:

I avoid this town for damn near the first week of play, and just scrounge around the perimeter for meager perks and XP. :confused:

Without Codworth for sure I would go right back to the vault.


@HY yeah that's my general Concord Tactic, but I usually get carried away, or impatient waiting for the ones up the street. Go to get 'em and they could be Disciples, Operators, or Pack already.

To avoid picking up an unrealiztic amount carp I just reduced initial carry weight to like 15 with no strength bonus. Have to buff carry weight all the time. (Who needs survival mode). :sweat:


@Stormwolf01 Yeah, I knew you could make the edit for Garvey yourself but I put it up there for community benefit, and yeah there has to be a bunch of carp SKK50 shut down to make the game work alright without him. No doubt any other mods requiring him/quests could get pretty boff'ed though.


Alright, so you know: it's not all hard knocks, there are escape valves in my build as well, giving me places I can "catch up" so to speak.

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Nora: "No! No!! NO!!! You dispose of the diapers OUTSIDE the house, not INSIDE!!!"
"That burnt tish smells HORRIBLE!"

Nate: "I'm really glad she wasn't home when I had to tell the robot to make sure to take the diapers OFF first...."


Ok. Power Armor.

Increased strength and capacity for increased physical damage output.


Can: Rip a weapon free from a military craft. AKA "Rip the minigun right out of the vertibird".

CanNOT: Knock a 200 year old rotted wood door off it's hinges. Cannot poke into the sides of an aluminum toolbox and tear the lock out. Cannot Tear the lid of an aluminum toolbox off it's hinges to bypass the lock. Cannot force open metal sliding doors.

Can: Knock creatures twice it's size around from a running start.



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I would also question the ability of a human, trapped inside said PA suit, with no FC, to move that suit around, at all......


Another point: Wearing power armor ADDS to your strength...... Really? How is that? The suit is hydraulic actuators and such, YOUR strength simply shouldn't matter at all. The suit should have it's own strength stat, not some variable...

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I had that exact same flaw with Cyborg from Teen Titans.

His strength comes from mechanical augmentation. His human parts shouldnt matter, so him working out, is irrelevant.


Why is it, that you can only shoot the core out of a PA? I have not once, ever seen a NPC do it.

Does it still blow up if a NPC Can do it? Is the player stuck inside the armor as it overloads, the way that NPCs are, when we do it?


PA Pilot: "Why does the access port for the fusion core extend all the way into the pilot's compartment?"

Engineer: "So that if the situation demands that the pilot self destruct the core, all security risk assets are destroyed in the detonation."

PA Pilot: "But...! I'm still inside!!"

Engineer: "All security risk assets are destroyed in the detonation."


Jumping off the Prydwyn in a suit of PA. Powerlanding, standing right up, and walking away from it.

No. That's a serious jolt to the knees, hips, and spine. You're not walking away from that! (Meh, it's a game, don't overthink it)

People can finely manipulate tools to pick something as complicated as a lock, while wearing PA, using buttons and levers to move the fingers and hands of the armor,

But they can't type while in it. :huh:


Weapon's ammunition automatically fill back up to full when you bring them out. I wish all my IRL guns did that! It would save me a lot of time and sore thumbs!


OH!!! And didn't previous games have a groin shot in VATS???? Or was that a meme?

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@Blinxys : You do mean Post-War, as in: "return of the postman" or was it just "after"? Only the first 5 minutes are Pre-War.

Sorry its kind of word play, i.e. this IS the War. (It just kinda changed). :pirate:


@Stormwolf Below the Belt is the current equivalent for "groin shots". (Works fine, :thumbsup: merged it into my VATs settings esl long, long time ago)!


@StormWolf & @HeyYou Power armor should be an NPC in it's own right, just not with AI of its own (except in certain cases, like a sentinel chip, or something).

Autodrive should be exclusive/included with PA. :geek:

No a lot of it's "features" withstand the first round of scrutiny, but there are ways to compensate for its comic-bookie (in a child's mind) quality. :yes:

Since I don't generally use power armor much, (if at all, it's such a PITA), I can suspend my disbelief to make room for other head canon that is of higher priority to maintain.


SPeaking of the Prydwen if they moved just 100 meters east they could have at least laid ground fire when you stormed the castle Fort Strong.

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