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Things that just don't make sense...!


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See all those straight lines parallel to each other? Why can't post-apocalyptic survivors do that with pieces of wood?

Well, they can't even make their own beds...... Driving nails? Notta chance. :D


Yeah, the 'people' & world is an absolutely weird parallel universe or something.

They have 0 hygiene, live on top of 200+ year corpses and debris (without cleaning an inch.) - (They do have impeccable health & immune systems, as they should all be dead by disease)


As said, they build nothing beyond crappy shack's or thents with 200+ year old cloth (which disintegrated long ago, beyond the fallout universe)


But somehow they can produce pre-war fine cloth(ing) & bullets...

& all that with electricity available!


I mean, seriously, let me repeat: these idiots have ELECTRICITY. EVERYWHERE!... They could easily have rebuild ... from day 1 ... (or worst case +25 years)


Those cars where nuclear powered, they should all still work, like the rest of the radio's, elevators, heavy machine factories etc. or should at least have been able to provide power.

Don't use EMP's as an argument, as the power grid would be most deadly to anything connected. Like radio's, elevators etc. (& they still work ...)


Apparently civilization created maintenance free, everlasting factories, machines & power stations, and for 210 years people did NOTHING with it.

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See all those straight lines parallel to each other? Why can't post-apocalyptic survivors do that with pieces of wood?

Well, they can't even make their own beds...... Driving nails? Notta chance. :D


Yeah, the 'people' & world is an absolutely weird parallel universe or something.

They have 0 hygiene, live on top of 200+ year corpses and debris (without cleaning an inch.) - (They do have impeccable health & immune systems, as they should all be dead by disease)


As said, they build nothing beyond crappy shack's or thents with 200+ year old cloth (which disintegrated long ago, beyond the fallout universe)


But somehow they can produce pre-war fine cloth(ing) & bullets...

& all that with electricity available!


I mean, seriously, let me repeat: these idiots have ELECTRICITY. EVERYWHERE!... They could easily have rebuild ... from day 1 ... (or worst case +25 years)


Those cars where nuclear powered, they should all still work, like the rest of the radio's, elevators, heavy machine factories etc. or should at least have been able to provide power.

Don't use EMP's as an argument, as the power grid would be most deadly to anything connected. Like radio's, elevators etc. (& they still work ...)


Apparently civilization created maintenance free, everlasting factories, machines & power stations, and for 210 years people did NOTHING with it.


Well, realistically, after 200 plus years, most of the buildings you see would be gone anyway.... without ANYONE doing ANY maintenance at all, you wouldn't be able to tell downtown boston from a federal game preserve......

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Lost in this is the technology needed to maintain (recreate) things.

You wipe out the generation that was making the nuclear cars - and the previous generation has nothing to work off of to maintain them?

You wipe out the information base - they have nothing to study to even try to replicate it.

Think about this. Neil Young said this in one of my all-time favorite songs:



The people worked together
And they lifted many stones

And they carried them to the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today


Your frame of reference. 2,000 years later (not just 200) the most technologically advanced society the world has ever seen can't replicate some of the wonders made in the past.

Edited by fraquar
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That's just the thing.

A lot of the infrastructure is still intact & the generation with the knowledge didn't get wiped out.

Thanks to FEV many still even live. Albeit ghoulified.


Many computer systems and networks still operate, so huge amounts of the pre-war information base is still available.


As for 'ancient architects', we don't (always) know how they did it, therefor we can not replicate it the same way, besides logistical & financial challenges etc. in the modern world.

...but we can create anything they did & more, don't think for a second we can not build a pyramid or an aztec wall or a 'machu pichu'.


We are just troubled to understand how they did it.

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That's just the thing.

A lot of the infrastructure is still intact & the generation with the knowledge didn't get wiped out.

Thanks to FEV many still even live. Albeit ghoulified.


Many computer systems and networks still operate, so huge amounts of the pre-war information base is still available.


As for 'ancient architects', we don't (always) know how they did it, therefor we can not replicate it the same way, besides logistical & financial challenges etc. in the modern world.

...but we can create anything they did & more, don't think for a second we can not build a pyramid or an aztec wall or a 'machu pichu'.


We are just troubled to understand how they did it.



In 200 years humanity went from 1800s "technology" to 1950's technology.

From hammers and windmills no steel, to, tanks, helicopters, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, computers WITHOUT a pre exisitng infrastructure and WITHOUT the knowledege sitting around staring them in the face.


The only moderatly plausible explanation one could come up with, is the Institute holding everyhting back in the Commonwelth for generations what with its kidnappings of key personnel, its attacks on successful settlements injecting supermutans that smash and grab everything and the like.


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