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A never ending story


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Fortunately it crashed into the pile of socks and does no real damage. It might have damaged Bill Gates' ego except you realise that it is his ego on the loose.


Quicly shuffling off the nearly mortal coil of socks, Gabbe struggles to regain his composure. Unfortunately he does not remember where he left it.


He reaches into his trusty knapsack of everlasting beer and pulls out - SHOCK HORROR - ...

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...A SOCK! "This will be a nice addition to the pile," he said as he placed the gigantic size 14-19 nylon monster of a sock on top of the sock pile.


"wow, best sock in the whole bunch," he said.


"OH NOES!!!1eleven!" said Bill Gates, "The flying computzor has locked up, I can't access the control panel...z0r".


"You stupid newbie!!!11eleven!" cried Gabbe. He then walked away, leaving Bill all alone with nothing to talk to but a...

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... with nothing to talk to except himself, so he did what every Bill-Gate-Zor guys would do in that situation, he started to talk to himself:


"No one like us", he said to himself, kissing his computer.

"My precious-zor..."

"But we wont let those Mac-OS guys take our precius away from us"

"No we won't-zor, we will use our hack-zor skills to break-zor in to their main-zor system-zor, and brake them-zor from the inside-zor!!!!!"


But Gabbe, who had been hiding behind a rubbergum, suddenly jumped out from it screaming:

"I wont let you destroy the humanity like this! I wont let you get a monopoly on the Computer-market!"

Gabbe then drew his dubble-bladed-silver-coloured-unique-ownidge-crystal-Lighsab... no, Banana! From his pocket and killed Bill Gates with one singel poke in the middle of his stomach!


And then everything was fine again, the world was saved, everyone was happy... well, almost everyone, because there was someone who had an evil plan... IT WAS...

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Jack the Rabbit.


You see when Jack got squashed he was already late to a meeting with the Minds.


The Minds were not a pair to be triffled with and decided Jack should be punished.

So they put Jack in a box.


But this was no ordinary box. It was acually the same kind of box they put film in to slow it down for those cool slo-mo like shots everyone enjoys so much. So for every second in that went by in the real world 1 week went by for jack.


This was plenty of time to come up with a plan for world domination. It was a perfect plan except that he was stuck in this box. How would Jack the Rabbit get out of the box?


As Jack was trying to figure this out himself he heard some music and he started to dance.

Then, all of a sudden...

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Someone opened the box, and a big face was staring down at him, the face said:




And Jack found himself inside a big town, with lots of naked pornostars, and also evil rabbits in black suits and black sunglasses... What whould he do?

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He went into the nearest tavern to raise support for his plan to be Master of the Universe but the populace growled at him:


"Never think outside the box!"


And the cruel people turned him from mammal to amphibian and instead of rabbiting he was ribbeting.


"Brekekex, brekekekex, koax, koax, koak" he sang to the tune in his head.


Sadly this attracted the attention of....

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Offler the crocadile god loved rabbit. He used to eat them by the dozen, but he started a new diet, the rabkin's diet, that said not allowed to eat any carbs or rabbits


But ribbet is not rabbit, and rabbit is not ribbet so it was ribbit and giblet for him.


But unfortunatly for Offler giblet was now illegal.

You see it was found that certain political members were lacing the donuts in the government break room with small traces of giblet extraxt which would cause members to gibber on endlessly about anything and everything making it impossible to most legislation passed.


So this left Offler one desperate option which was to....

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...Call for the waiter...




"Wait!" The waiter said...


"What the hell are you talking about! I'm a bloody GOD! If I wan't you here, then you be here!" Offler yelled.


And suddenly, the waiter stood right in front of Offler.


"Thank's, I like fast food", Offler said. And then he swallowed the waiter in one big...eh... swallow...


But Offler was still hungry, so...

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... he started eyeing up the socks. Maybe with a bit of pickle or cranberry sauce socks wouldn't be too bad. After all, no sock could smell as pungent as Roquefort or Gorgonzola, could it?


Offler nibbled delicately on a sock .. which, since he was a crocodile god, meant that he actually chewed it before swallowing it whole.


His expression became very thoughtful and....

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