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A never ending story


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Theta, who has been depressed since the disaperence of all the chocolate bars, has spent most of the day searching for another one. Unable to find one she decides to make the best of it and walks into the nearest tavern.

As she is enjoying a refreshing brew the she engages the bartender in friendly chit-chat telling her tragic tale.

The bartender gets real quite and whispers in her ear that for a small fee he will tell her the tale of the never-ending gobstopper. Intrigued she pays the man.


He starts to tell the tale of the mighty Wizard Wonka and his magic chcolate factory.


It goes something like this.....

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Before the story was told, for some reason, Dark0ne decided to make Stanhead a moderator. Being the status-abusing person that he is, he deletes this thread and bans everybody who has posted in it. :P


The bartender then bagan the story, saying:


"Wizard wonka, who liked to be called 'Big Smelly Joe', once owned a giant chocolate factory. A bunch of kids won a tour of this factory, and it soon became apparent that organising the tour was a very bad idea. One by one, the kids started disappearing from the tour. First that German kid went; he fell into the chocolate and was sucked up a big pipe, into oblivion; I can't remember who went next, but I think it was that girl who had the experimental sweet. She filled up with juice and had to be taken away for squeezing. Before I continue the story, I have to tell you this... I found something on eBay, it's a..."



(How's that for a twist!?)

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"... head. A talking one. It keeps spouting prophecies about the end of the world." :D

The bartender looked around the room.

"There's also a parrot for sale - the vendor is one L.J. Silver. Which one should I bid on?"


This resulted in a heated discussion, leading to the conclusion that....

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Oh dear! OH dear! I shall be late!"

He as he went to take out his watch he realized 2 things


1 He didn't have a watch and

2 It didn't matter because he couldn't tell time


But it didn't really matter because he was almost there, and when he arrived there would be much rejoicing because he tell of his adventures.


Just as the Rabbit, we will call Jack, arrived at his destination Gabbe lands directly on him killing him instantly.


Gabbe, amazed at how softly he landed, goes to get up when he is greeted by....

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...the bunneh horde of doom, led by none other than the great pink Bunnae. They don't look very pleased at seeing Gabbe, and even less pleased at seeing one of their kind pancaked underneath him.


Gabbe's only chance of survival is to appease the great Bunnae God somehow, but unfortunately he is out of pink carrots....


It looks as though Gabbe's days are numbered when....

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...his hero Bill Gates rides in to the rescue on his trusty flying Dell computer, running on the top secret Windows 2006Pro Operating system.


"Hop on", said Bill. "Are you sure?", replied Gabbe.


"Don't worry, it's running on a brand new OS that can never ever crash"

"Oh, OK."


Gabbe hopped on top of the flying computer, and him and Bill flew off into the distance. But suddenly, the uncrashable new OS... CRASHED!. "Oh noes!111eleven!", said Gabbe...

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