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The Castle workbench has shifted to the entrance?


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I have not been play Fallout 4 for over 1 year due to work.


Recently, I play this game, happily reclaiming The Castle.


To my horror, the workbench is shifted to the entrance area instead of the old location?

Is that due to my mods or some updates to the games?


I try disabling a lot of my mods to check but it did not solve the problem.

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Most likely caused by a mod. Locations of the vanilla workbenches get baked into saves so not sure if removing the mod will help.

I agree. It's baked in. I would say the likelihood of mod removal fixing the problem to be very very slim. :sad:

I just checked thru SKK's mods. I THOUGHT he had a mod that would safely move the workshop, but I was mistaken. :sad: Or I overlooked it :sad:

There ARE mods that allow you to move a workshop, but some of them are not safe to use. And I never tried any of them, so I don't know which ones are which.


It's either a mod that makes changes to the Castle itself, or a mod that made a duplicate of the castle's workshop, and placed it somewhere else (whereever the mod is located). In a lot of cases, modders will (incorrectly) (not that I'm placing blame... workshops are Extremely difficult and tedious!) make a duplicate of an existing workbench, and then add that into their new settlement location. I have a strong feeling, that if you don't have any castle mods, this is probly what happened.

[Edit] There is also a possibility that a mod affecting the minute men quest lines may also be the culprit. As that particular shop is directly connected to several quests [/Edit]


My advice is to look for those as suspects. Then disable them, and test it on a fresh character. A new, clean save, is the only way for sure to know if it's fixed or not.

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When you're testing on a new character, this may make it easier for you.

Holotaped Fast travel. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22172

Save you some time and effort for not having to go from one side of the map to the other. :wink:

Just make sure that your character is developed enough to be able to fight all that stuff off and survive.

If that queen shows up, she's a real she-dog to try to fight if you're not ready for her!!


Have the killall console command at the ready :wink:

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move workshop markers shouldl safely revert the red workSHOP to its original location.



JUST the person that I was hoping would chime in on this :D


SKK, apologies for not knowing which of your mods would accomplish what Hero is needing. I sadly, am unfamiliar with the game references for the workshops, so I didn't know that this mod of yours would do it.

So, for Hero, and for my future knowledge, which marker is it, that controls the placement of the workshop?

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