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NPC grab and assault player on activate


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Recently spent a bit of time playing the 2018 PC version of God if War. Enjoyed it, highly recommend it. There were a lot of things in the game that I thought would be cool to try to create in FO4. One in particular floated to the top of my list. Basically, as you open a loot chest, a baddie comes up out of the chest and grabs you.

Concept to create in FO4.

1) Create a suitable mesh (think stone coffin with a functioning lid).

2) Set up the newly made stone coffin with a functioning lid mesh as an activator

3) Pick a bad guy of choice (gunner, ghoul, etc) and place them in the coffin. Set them up

4) Set the NPC to be initially unconscious.

5) Find or set up a grab package; assign to bad guy NPC

6) Set up a script for the activator to wake the bad guy NPC and prompt them into action (i.e., grab the player when he or she opens the stone coffin).

Could be cool to set this up in a crypt or mausoleum.

Thoughts, pitfalls, ideas for improvements or comments are welcomed and appreciated.

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Also AnimFurnLayDownInUtilityBox, right for coffins, though best for wood.


Skeleton. Player stunned untill corpse manages to get out of box and down his untouchable majesty the player on ground, otherwise will be shot dead ages before getting out. Then drops dead into bones shatters. Hungry zombos crawl out of everywhere. Finito.


Note to self. Should finally enable takedown of player by npc in close combat, it's just not fair as of now.

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If you set the actor to ghost it will be ignored by all other actors 
regardless of faction/aggression/alert then unghost if you can get an 
animation end event.

Am I missing some context? I use my custom TGM for survival which flags the player as a ghost and I cannot see that behaviour in action. NPCs still aggro when seeing the player

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Works fine in many base game scripts and multiple skk mods for NPC actors.


The player may be different to NPCs for ghosting, I have never used that as chems and other stuff stop working, CaptiveFaction is best.


ps the base game does infact SetGhost on the player in several scripts when it disables player controls so the issue may be with you custom TGM.

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