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Fire Cryo damage hardcoded?


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Not directly related but somewhat, was reading this thread from related links at bottom of page, thought it might be of moderate interest...




You know the first thing i thought about? Fo1 laser rifle vs. random NPC - vaporized. ALWAYS! so technically you have a keyword which applies to weapon and effect X hits the spot. I think thats pretty easy to do with OMOD (object modification). Just add the effect to weapon mod X.


And/or alter the Body Part Data (BPTD) and/or add some effects which higher/lower any flag chance of choice.


By default, NPC does effect X based on the damage Y dealt to body part Z and if damage is high enough effects may be dismember or vaporize or else. You can also add explode on hit to always, knock down -always, dismember always etc. to the projectile. In case of a Gauss projectile which deals damage so high you cant imagine it would mean it does pierce anything, explodes anything and knock down anything. Boom.

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Yeah, ok, now you just are esplaining back to me what I was trying to say less eloquently yesterday (sorta). :dance:

To which I reply: U-huh... (for infiniti). :yes:


To over-clarify: (OMOD has DT Keyword+DMG) - (DT Keyword on Armor+Resistance) = Body Part DMG received... (if greater than 100% Do boomFX)!

Resistance could also be DT Keyword on OMOD Armor.

(everything works in pairs they say).

Weap v. Armor is the crux of it.


Where you say "if damage is high enough" I'm thinking just "complete" (i.e. equal to or greater than 100% body part health).

Still sort of skipping between armor and body part/slot since armor does not have durability/health by default... (Really, still)? :rolleyes:


Race and/or Weather(s) could perhaps have compatible/comparable features incorporated.

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Hmm you made a point. The crux, the effects to the projectile or armor or both? I mean technically it doesnt matter to the player he experiences it so or so.


Its also what StormWolf01 said about OMOD with resistances, you have to either uncheck them in the OMODs or create immunties... hm you know what, OMODs are said to override all right? im not 100% sure so im guessing, i wouldnt be surprised if OMODs can brake an immunity since they simply overrride all. Thats what StormWolf01 also mentioned ... hopefully OMODs arent that powerful its a pain in the ass.


Where you say "if damage is high enough" I'm thinking just "complete" (i.e. equal to or greater than 100% body part health).

Of course, complete is pure math :D health yes similar to power armor that would be great, maybe Horizon will have it someday. I love the powerarmor logic/system in fo4 its great and could apply to all armor.


Of course, race and weather lol then we have 3 major record types you can play around. OMOD; RACE, ARMO, PERK, NPC_... what else? :D


Can you remember you said the game wasnt done by pure physicians? Your right, lets assume one, we, me or whoever would simply add pure physical and mathematical correctness to all items, objects everything you can find in the creation kit? that would be something which would perfectly fit to fallout 4. since its technically just pure science but done by pure artist.


Alright thats off topic, lol,

but look at the Gauss Gun/Rifle, Coil Gun or whatever you name it. Why would you put a sound suppressor and that thing? It doesnt generate any sound, there is no propellant, there is not force which applies to the shooter, it doesnt generate any recoil, and the energy would pierce anything to dust, power armor included.


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There are only like six or so types of default armor, shouldn't take too much to wrap them in PA-like durability functions.


There was a flaw in my formula

(OMOD has DT Keyword+DMG) - (OMOD has DT Keyword on Armor+Resistance AR) = Body Part DMG received... (if greater than 100% Do boomFX)!

where "OMOD DT Keyword on armor is resistance". Effectively armor is just a "DT filter". Conversely, it would be OMOD v OMOD.

Now, if it's the weapon or the projectile... ... :mellow: IDK.


But yeah, you got it: physical properties/laws could/should govern objects and the environment. Look at the Shatter series. Problem is Previs/precombines rule all instead. :ohmy:

Odd thing is: I though the point of Nvidia's PhysX was it had pure IRL physics algorithms built-in, (that was like more than a decade ago). Not sure where that capacity went sideways. :mellow:

To your spoiler there is as running thread, "things in FO4 that don't make sense" there's a lot of 'em. (Have you ever found harpoons in a toolbox before)? :teehee:

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Looks great, noted.


You can apply some funny effect using:

EITM - Object Effect

in any weapon record. So for example you would like to see exploding corpses, similar to what a deathclaw does, add;

crEnchDismemberOnDeath - Dismember On Death

If one copies the structure; enchantment to spell you can also set a freeze effect on certain weapons by default or else. Such as:


which casts:

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Ok sorry, you two got a bit over my head, or past my ADHD level :laugh:

By the way, you can call me Storm, or Wolf, both of ya. But definitely no need for the 01 in my name. That's just cuz somebody else already took the name without it (the 01) :laugh:


What you were saying about putting an effect on a projectile, and an OMOD possibly overwriting it. I do know that it can be done on a projectile, with other effects on the weapon.

For instance with Wacky Weapons (on bethesda.net) you can in-game over-ride the projectile to use say.... a plasma rifle shooting a gauss gun blast, with further in-game modification of using 45 ammo in the weapon.


ECO https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/55503 can also accomplish this, but with vanilla or mod weapons, not just the weapons from that particular mod (WackyWeaponsWorkshop).


ECO accomplishes it via scripts, by adding additional modification slots to said weapon.

That system works EXTREMELY well. And the overrides still takes priority over other effects/stuff on the gear.


Eh. Sorry. Rambling.

The two problems with having it on the projectile, that I can see right off the bat, is that for mod weapons, it would have to be patched to any non-vanilla projectile/projectile name. The second might be possible conflicts with other mods that edit the vanilla projectiles (Which there are tons of).


That (extremely cool!) mod that was released a couple years ago that prevents ash/goo piles. Reverts them to burning sets of bones instead. (Can't remember the NAME!! :sad: :sad: (Adhs sucks a rat's behind! :verymad: :verymad: So does CRS! )

It's base entirely on the projectile, and has to be patched to work with mod weapons that don't use the vanilla projectile/projectile name.

As is the Cover Penetration Framework. Also on the projectile. However.

It's also been made as an addition to ECO, so it applies then to the weapon instead.


Also interesting is the fact, if you have 100% immunity against incoming damage NPCs run away :D


That's funny as all hell! VERY useful and interesting fact!


[Edit] Hm. Could the fire/freezing immunity be put directly on the player, the way that perks are?

Say by an automatic script, a magazine, or an ingestible?

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[Edit] Hm. Could the fire/freezing immunity be put directly on the player, the way that perks are? Say by an automatic script, a magazine, or an ingestible?


Power armor uses an echanment for that. By default its has all the required effect on it BUT without effect lol, its there but it does nothing...


If you copy the powr armor enachment logic to the player char NPC base record you can give your PC any effect by default and let it apply based on condition. OR you do it via attachment.


So any ability can be disabled and so freezing and burning. For freezing there is a Keyword "CannotBeFrozen" or something, for fire i assume all you need is to disable the fire damage. Give you char immunity to fire once Ant peepee (abstract reference to FO3) was injected or something. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Edited by Qrsr
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Ok, I'm kind of getting pulled in another direction IRL, but it will all come back to this, eventually. :sweat:


@Storm There is Cross Crit Gore which is pretty fun when it works, (kind of rolled over) Ash & Goo Piles Prevention which is the one I think you were speaking of.

Really never gave me any troubles, and still may suppress a lot of the Cross ones (which I am all right with). :cool:

I probably should have a closer look at ECO before going too much further.

Until recently I have been dreading having to un-awkcr everything, But now... (see below). :unsure:


@Qrsr As far as what you are saying I am setting up a robust testbed for all sorts of experiments.

Been working off an "at least 1 thing a day" mantra for quite a while now, and usually end up far exceeding that quota. :geek: <- That I am...


This is one plan I have devised. (I Still suck at previs/precombines which I hope to master (better) through these rigors):

  1. The first thing I want to try is setting up a basic open world per SKK Fallout 4 76.
  2. And probably install Wasteland Operator and Fast Stop Institute to winnow down any quest dependencies.
  3. A UI Workshop
  4. An NPC Workshop -> Weapons/Armor | Creatures/humanoids
  5. An Animation Workshop
  6. A Restored/various environment(s) Workshop
  7. A Quest Workshop
  8. Stabilized/Consistent builds based on results of above for (whatever come what may/experiments).

With that in order, everything else is additive, required or vestigial.

Isolating errata to a very granular/obvious level so stuff can be ruled and rolled out. (So to speak).


From the Looks of it, and TBH it looks a few weeks off for me, (so many variables), but should prove to be interesting once built out. :wink:

(The gpu/video is limited for now so I will be forced to work toward efficient ends, until that other ship comes in). :pirate:

No, seriously, am trying to wait out better card ROI price/performance payoff, and running onboard intel vid (there) in the meantime.

But, when that Does go in, BoomBoomshakalaka...


It sort of seems like a massive undertaking but so much credit should go to the mod/tool authors making it possible at all.

I may come back and edit this to pepper it with links and name names, but y'all already know who you are,

And results will warrant mentions as they occur for me as well.

You are all awesome for what you do and have already done to keep this interesting, inspiring and accessible. :thumbsup:


(Enough cloying for now, just let appreciation not go unsaid). :smile:


Alright, time to throw myself back into the fire now... I'm stoked to mess with this stuff! :devil:

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