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How is no one bothered by this?


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There are so many mods to add realism to the game, people want realism in the way the rain splashes, people want realism in the way the smoke moves, people want footprints in the snow, and to freeze from hypothermia if they don't have warm cloths.

But somehow, it doesn't seem to bother anyone that the imperials walk around in glaciers with their arms and legs exposed, like it's a mid-summer day on a Mediterranean shore. How does that not bother people who care about realism and immersion? Even the Romans that the lore unfriendly armor was based on wore pants once they invaded Northern Europe and started losing their bits and pieces to frostbite, I chock this up to a terrible design decision by Bethesda but I'm amazed by how little it get's under the skin of people who get so hard for immersion and realism.

I know there are a couple of mods, one is a fantastic mod by the name of Perfect Legion... That unfortunately has gauntlets on all the light armors that clip through the arms or float a bit off from the arm, especially noticeable on female characters, so you'd think people concerned with realism would want to fix that.

The other is a pants mod that's extremely low quality, pretty much incompatible with any HD armor reskins because it looks so out of place, that tatters up the kilt piece and only works for light and studded armor. Sure there's a chainmail variant, but it only works on males.

I can't be the only one bothered by all the half naked imperials running around like it's summer. It's enough to make me want to use the Tropical mod for better immersion, how has there not been good imperial reskins (aside from with with major light armor issues) with pants yet?

Edited by VforValence
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If you worry about the Imperials, don't look at the Hot Files. A daedric thong and cups on a snow capped mountain is hardly realistic. However, I agree with bben46, the game is played from your perspective of fantasy. Perhaps imperial soldiers have 100% cold resistance. Personally, since my character can swim in iron armor at level one, the stage is set for how to view the game. Immersion is the perspective of the player but, in the end, it's a game folks. If you want real imersion join the Marines.

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If have one thing that I also do not agree is the fact that the game has two different climates. There are places where the landscape is filled with snow and in other places it is green and tropical. I think that there should be a predominant climate, if the climate is winter Skyrim should is covered in snow. Only that to do this you would have to change the clothes of all your NPCs so that they appear to be protected from the cold. No woman could more use clothes sexy and would be with coat that should cover the whole body. As with the landscape entirely tropical, its female can use clothes short and sexy per account of heat already that this prevailing perfectly on occasion. In place of glaciers would have swamps and small islands in which the Dragonborn could traverse to reach the Septimus Signus.

We could add some typical animals of the tropical climate such as crocodiles. But it is important to emphasize that the radical change in the landscape of the game can cause bugs. Only the vegetation and climate must be replaced, all rest must be intact.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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