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How is no one bothered by this?


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I am more bothered that people demand realism in the clothing, armor and a few other things in a fantasy game with dragons and magic. :tongue:


If you have magic, you don't even need clothes or armor. But why doesn't anyone's hair move? Or get wet when they go in the water? Now that's just bizarre.

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Heh, you can't run carrying 301 pounds of metal, but by Akatosh at least you can swim!


Skyrim is very educational. I've learned that you can fall hundreds of feet and not get hurt, as long as you land in water. But if you miss the water by even just a tiny amount, bad news...


Well... unlike the problem the OP is pointing out, these unrealistic things like "swimming with tons of equipment" and "water saving your life even if you fall a mountain" are things the player alone can solve by simply role playing.


The imperial armor on the other hand, kind of demands a mod.

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I am more bothered that people demand realism in the clothing, armor and a few other things in a fantasy game with dragons and magic. :tongue:


So what if it's a fantasy game? That doesn't mean we want pink bunnies and bikini's. There is still some lore that is established both by Bethesda, and the typical fantasy world that this game resides in, such as Lord of the Rings and other novels.

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Heh, you can't run carrying 301 pounds of metal, but by Akatosh at least you can swim!

Skyrim is very educational. I've learned that you can fall hundreds of feet and not get hurt, as long as you land in water. But if you miss the water by even just a tiny amount, bad news...

Well... unlike the problem the OP is pointing out, these unrealistic things like "swimming with tons of equipment" and "water saving your life even if you fall a mountain" are things the player alone can solve by simply role playing.


The imperial armor on the other hand, kind of demands a mod.

Well realism and immersion is really up to the preference of an individual. There are plenty of things that doesn't make sense to me in the Skyrim or even irl but might make sense to others with different upbringings and life experience.


If the OP feels like it's weird how the imperials dress then that's cool, but don't dig too deep into by dragging in real life into it, it just makes you want to find more things you don't like and make the whole skyrim experience more like a zero punctuation vid with your voice.

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I know there are a couple of mods, one is a fantastic mod by the name of Perfect Legion... That unfortunately has gauntlets on all the light armors that clip through the arms or float a bit off from the arm, especially noticeable on female characters, so you'd think people concerned with realism would want to fix that.



That's got nothing to do with realism. That's somebody not knowing how to rig, or too lazy to make _1 versions.

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@nbtc971: Lore is what you want it to be - there are literally hundreds if not thousands of fantasy novels that do not adhere to the LOTR lore. Even Bethsoft has been known to change the lore to fit the game instead of forcing the game storyline into the existing lore.


As for mods - use the ones that fit your concept of what the game should be. In your case that would be the lore as you follow it. For someone else - the pink bunnies and bikini girls are what they want to see in their game. What they have in their game cannot affect your game - allow them their own flights of fantasy. You are not required to use any mods you don't personally approve of - and they are not required to slavishly follow what you consider to be lore.


In the past, I have posted on how to make a scifi blaster fit the Skyrim lore - and how to make a fantasy bag of holding fit the Fallout 3 world. I did it in the presentation of the mod and by using the existing lore to make it fit. Not by changing or going against the lore in any way. What is the difference between a staff of fireballs and a staff shaped like a gun that shoots magical fireballs?


Clarke's third law (Arthur C. Clark, Scifi author and the scientist who invented both radar and the geosynchronous satellite) "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - this works both ways - the corollary is "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." Very similar quote from a Fantasy writer (Leigh Brackett) "Witchcraft to the ignorant, .... Simple science to the learned"


How is a pink bunny not lore? Are bunnies not allowed? Is the color pink not allowed? If a man (or woman) can become a werewolf why not a werebunny? Just what color is a werebunny anyway? And why can't a bikini be somehow made lore friendly? There are magic spells that can keep someone warm when it's cold, and that can protect as well as the best armor - why can a wizard not apply such spells to a bikini as well as to a tin suit? :tongue:

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